vhbb / cmssw

CMS Offline Software
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"Bad muon" filters for re-miniAOD #670

Open andresti opened 7 years ago

andresti commented 7 years ago

In case of running on re-miniAOD, we need to save the following flags to ntuples for "bad muon" events (as described in https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/MissingETOptionalFiltersRun2#Moriond_2017):

Bad PF Muon Filter
Bad Charged Hadrons
Flag_badMuons -> New Giovanni's Filter that the MET is corrected for (flag is set to true if the MET got corrected)
Flag_duplicateMuons -> New Giovanni's Filter that the MET is corrected for (flag is set to true if the MET got corrected) 

Or is that covered by https://github.com/vhbb/cmssw/issues/603 ?

jpata commented 7 years ago

@andresti do you already have some code for that? I think this should mostly be accessible via the HLT bits.

jpata commented 7 years ago

Looking deeper it needs some additional CMSSW modules:


jpata commented 7 years ago

IN particular, we'd need to merge https://github.com/vhbb/cmssw/compare/vhbbHeppy80X...cms-met:METRecipe_80X_part2 but I think this requires a CMSSW bump as it's conflicting.

andresti commented 7 years ago

@jpata no, I don't have any code for that, I was wondering if there already was something.