vhbb / cmssw

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Fixes for Feb03 re-reco data #671

Closed jpata closed 5 years ago

jpata commented 7 years ago

Removed RECO process as in the re-reco datasets 03Feb2017 these objects are under the PAT process. I'm not entirely sure why.

Also updated the GT in combined_cmssw.py according to https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/SWGuideFrontierConditions?rev=593#Global_Tags_used_in_official_dat but I'm, not sure it has any effect (@arizzi @gkasieczka maybe you know?).

Also changed trigger bits for ttH as per https://gitlab.cern.ch/ttH/reference/blob/master/definitions/Moriond17.md#41-triggers and a quick fix to the genWrapper_data.py script needed for ttH.