vhbit / lmdb-rs

Rust bindings for LMDB
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strange segfault's occur related to lmdb-rs #29

Closed code-ape closed 8 years ago

code-ape commented 8 years ago

I've encountered a rather bizarre segfault occurrence that is somehow linked to lmdb-rs. The segfault is odd and manifests in strangle places. In my project that I currently am experiencing issues with this it generally manifests when trying to transform data read from the db or move an Arc to the environment into a new thread. You can check out the code here.

I created a repository purely for reference in helping solve this issue, which you can find here. I'm happy to help in fixing this if you can point me in the right direction. I've really enjoyed using this library and need it to work to complete my senior project.

code-ape commented 8 years ago

Simply reiterating comments from code-ape/lmdbrs_segfault#1:

I suspect it may be an issue with how Vec's work in Rust. I don't know if this relates to heap vs stack operations and pointers but I suspect this is not an issue with mmapping as if it were the case then it would also fail for the &[u8] allocation which also uses it's own, near identical, ::from_raw_parts(...). I was thinking that these should both work identically, but when I looked up the method for transforming a slice to a Vec I found this:

pub fn into_vec<T>(mut b: Box<[T]>) -> Vec<T> {
    unsafe {
        let xs = Vec::from_raw_parts(b.as_mut_ptr(), b.len(), b.len());

It appears that the use of men::forget(b) is an important difference that is also related to this issue.

Also upon examining docs for Vec::from_raw_parts there seems to be a strong case that there may just be an issue with trying to cast the original data directly to a Vec:

This is highly unsafe, due to the number of invariants that aren't checked:

  • ptr needs to have been previously allocated via String/Vec (at least, it's highly likely to be incorrect if it wasn't).
  • length needs to be the length that less than or equal to capacity.
  • capacity needs to be the capacity that the pointer was allocated with.

Violating these may cause problems like corrupting the allocator's internal data structures.

It seems like the lifetime of the Vec may also have something to do with this issue, see here, where when the Vec goes out of scope all data related to it does as well. Maybe this could be fixed by casting to a slice and then converting to a Vec? I'm not sure.

xitep commented 8 years ago

thanks for the research! the pointer to the mailing list confirms my suspicion. either Vec<u8> should not implement FromMdbValue (preferably) or it must make its own copy of the bytes it receives in the FromMdbValue implementation. currently, the implementation is unsafe and unsound since it 1) will try to free the memory it got from lmdb when it's being dropped and 2) since it can outlive its source.

as i mentioned already in the pull request, i'd prefer dropping the FromMdbValue implementation for Vec<u8> and just go with slices since that will force users to explicitly think about when to make a copy and when not.

code-ape commented 8 years ago

I forked the repo and removed the FromMdbValue trait for Vec<u8>. I was wondering if this means ToMdbValue should also be removed? It seems odd to be able to only cast it one way and I imagine some of the memory issues with retrieving a value to a Vec also apply to saving a value from Vec, such as if a vector went out of scope before the transaction for lmdb was committed.

xitep commented 8 years ago

hello @code-ape,

the one way direction of the conversion is ok. i'd see it as a convenience, otherwise i'd have to pass in &v[..] explicitly (where v is a Vec<u8>).

regarding your memory safety concern on ToMdbValue: i'm not entirely sure, but i think its implementation for Vec<u8> is fine:

impl ToMdbValue for Vec<u8> {
    fn to_mdb_value<'a>(&'a self) -> MdbValue<'a> {
        unsafe {
            MdbValue::new(std::mem::transmute(self.as_ptr()), self.len())
vhbit commented 8 years ago


as i mentioned already in the pull request, i'd prefer dropping the FromMdbValue implementation for Vec and just go with slices since that will force users to explicitly think about when to make a copy and when not.

Actually, it should just copy as that's semantics of Vec<T> - it's owned data. As I remember implementation for Vec was a quick hack for one of internal projects where I knew how to use without a segfault (shame on me, it's not a correct for a library).

vhbit commented 8 years ago

I apologize for a delay and I'll try to get some time tomorrow to fix it.

xitep commented 8 years ago

@vhbit many thanks for the feedback. yes, making a copy of the data in Vec<u8>'s implementation for FromMdbValue would definitely be correct. i surely have no objections against keeping it (with the copy semantics). btw: i think we have the same issue with the FromMdbValue implementation for String.

it's just that i personally - as a client code programmer - prefer to see allocations explicitly ... however, thinking again about it, i agree that this can lead to more verbose client code. after all, it's the user's choice whether to db_ref.get::<Vec<u8>>(&"log/0") or db_ref.get::<&[u8]>(&"log/0") (and making a copy of that). so, i'm taking back my preference for not having the trait implementation.

xitep commented 8 years ago

Thank you for the fix Valerii! That was quite fast and works nicely! :) I added a test to cover this.