vhda / verilog_systemverilog.vim

Verilog/SystemVerilog Syntax and Omni-completion
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Handling of fold test cases when // comment block folding is enabled #166

Closed jrudess closed 5 years ago

jrudess commented 5 years ago

When enabling // comment-block folding, the folding.sv test case is impacted due to usage of // comments on the end of every line.

The new syntax definition is here

And the test-case errors are like this:

Error: level=1 level_expected=0 >>>>                                                              //<0><0><0>
Error: level=1 level_expected=0 >>>>                                                              //<0><0><0>
Error: level=1 level_expected=0 >>>>                                                              //<0><0><0>
Error: level=2 level_expected=1 >>>>                                                              //<1><1><1>
Error: level=2 level_expected=1 >>>>                                                              //<1><1><1>
Error: level=1 level_expected=0 >>>>                                                              //<0><0><0>
Error: level=1 level_expected=0 >>>>                                                              //<0><0><0>
Error: level=1 level_expected=0 >>>>                                                              //<0><0><0>
Error: level=0 level_expected=1 >>>>assign a = b & c;                                             //<1><1><1>
Error: level=1 level_expected=0 >>>>                                                              //<0><0><0>

The // comments that get folded have fold level increased by 1., causing most of the errors listed.

The assign statement line is due to run_test.vim defining a custom spyglass syntax to fold the contents of a spyglass disable/enable comment block. The new // comment-block fold interfers with this custom rule due to having a // comment on the prior line.

Should the // comment-block folding build in an exception for this spyglass case?

jrudess commented 5 years ago

It may be better to leave // comment-block folding out of the base syntax files, and instead an example use case for g:verilog_syntax_custom could show the regex. Either in the README, or next to the spyglass example in the docs.

vhda commented 5 years ago

Submitted some changes that will help the test case pass in that scenario. I've tried your comment code but it's currently conflicting with the g:verilog_syntax_custom used in the folding tests. Need more time to look into that.

vhda commented 5 years ago

I added an example to the documentation with your code. The change you are proposing would conflict with other foldings I use daily, so I decided against it. Basically we would be creating a syntax region for every individual line comment and this would break other syntax regions that depend on line comments (as is the example I already provided in the documentation for SpyGlass pragmas, that is also part of test cases).

I stored my changes in a local branch, so nothing is lost if I find a way of implementing this in the future :)

Thanks for your help!