vhda / verilog_systemverilog.vim

Verilog/SystemVerilog Syntax and Omni-completion
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[BUG] macros breaking indentation #231

Open miguel9554 opened 1 year ago

miguel9554 commented 1 year ago

When using macros inside other syntax elements with their own indenting (module instantiation, fucntions, contraints etc) the indentation is broken, see following example

class my_class;

    int my_var;

    constraint reg_addr_c {
        `ifndef MY_MACRO
            my_var == 2;
            my_var == 3;

        function new();


The function declaration should be at the level of constraint again, but it is at the level of the macro block.

vhda commented 1 year ago

I sometimes feel that certain SystemVerilog features were developed by JavaScript engineers... I'm pretty sure the problem is related with that semicolon inside the brackets and the expression not ending in a semicolon, but will need sometime to investigate (sorry, real life TM).

ThunderMikey commented 1 year ago

The same if I do


  class xxx;
vhda commented 1 year ago

UVM is also done by JavaScript engineers 😝

miguel9554 commented 1 year ago

Hey, I don't think it has to do with the semicolon inside constraints block, that seems to work OK. Some examples

Removing macro, using constraint block per correct SV syntax works OK

class my_class;

    int my_var;

    constraint reg_addr_c {
        my_var == 2;

    function new();


You can also try not including the semicolon, or including it after the brace (even though it doesn't compile, just to test the vim plugin) and indentation works OK.

The problem happens when you have the macro inside the block

miguel9554 commented 1 year ago

The same if I do


  class xxx;

I've copied that into an empty file and could not reproduce, it worked OK

ThunderMikey commented 12 months ago

Oops, sorry. My bad, it turns about there is a ifndef which caused the indentation. I guess this is feature, not a bug (TM).

`ifndef XXX
  `define XXX
vhda commented 12 months ago

It's always a good day when what we thought was a bug in fact isn't! Shall I close this issue then?

miguel9554 commented 12 months ago

No, don't close, what I reported initially is a bug. What isn't, is what @ThunderMikey reported.

puliget commented 10 months ago

Using macro inside constraints, is working fine. You code is working. Check this link and run the code https://edaplayground.com/x/MHuL

Read this document: 02-19.4.pdf

miguel9554 commented 10 months ago

@puliget Of course macros work inside constraints, who said they didn't? I'm reporting that this particular VIM indentation file does not handle well indentation for those cases.

The document you linked is part of the verilog 2001 standard, which has no constraints in it... I don't get your point

puliget commented 10 months ago

class my_class;

rand int my_var;

constraint reg_addr_c {
    `ifndef MY_MACRO
        my_var == 2;
        my_var == 3;

    function new();


module tb; my_class cls;

initial begin cls=new(); cls.randomize(); $display("my_var=%d",cls.my_var); end endmodule

puliget commented 10 months ago

It is working, check once link :https://edaplayground.com/x/MHuL and run code in eda playground

miguel9554 commented 10 months ago

@puliget again, I agree on macros inside constraints being valid systemverilog constructs, I never said contrary. In fact, I opened this issue because I was making use of the feature.

The bug is reported for a VIM syntax file, you are not getting the point. How can the problem be reproduced in eda playground if it is specific to the VIM editor?

puliget commented 10 months ago

Eda playground for code editing and runing.many tools are available in eda playground for run codes . I use the mentor questa to run my code in eda playground and i shared that link to you. Vim editor is used for coding editing.on which tool,you are running the code ..

puliget commented 10 months ago

Never learn , based on tools. Learn based on the syntax only.

miguel9554 commented 10 months ago

@puliget you really are not understanding the issue here

vhda commented 5 months ago

@miguel9554 could I kindly ask you to take a test run of indent/skip_bracket_blocks branch?