vhda / verilog_systemverilog.vim

Verilog/SystemVerilog Syntax and Omni-completion
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tagbar need add other labels #241

Open sqlmap3 opened 1 month ago

sqlmap3 commented 1 month ago

According to web,tagbar config need add other labels.

ctags --list-kinds-full=SystemVerilog
A       assert     yes     no      0      NONE   assertions (assert, assume, cover, restrict)
C       class      yes     no      0      NONE   classes
E       enum       yes     no      0      NONE   enumerators
H       checker    yes     no      0      NONE   checkers
I       interface  yes     no      0      NONE   interfaces
K       package    yes     no      0      NONE   packages
L       clocking   yes     no      0      NONE   clocking
M       modport    yes     no      0      NONE   modports
N       nettype    yes     no      0      NONE   nettype declarations
O       constraint yes     no      0      NONE   constraints
P       program    yes     no      0      NONE   programs
Q       prototype  no      no      0      NONE   prototypes (extern, pure)
R       property   yes     no      0      NONE   properties
S       struct     yes     no      0      NONE   structs and unions
T       typedef    yes     no      0      NONE   type declarations
V       covergroup yes     no      0      NONE   covergroups
b       block      yes     no      0      NONE   blocks (begin, fork)
c       constant   yes     no      0      NONE   constants (parameter, specparam, enum values)
d       define     yes     no      0      NONE   text macros
e       event      yes     no      0      NONE   events
f       function   yes     no      0      NONE   functions
i       instance   yes     no      0      NONE   instances of module or interface
l       ifclass    yes     no      0      NONE   interface class
m       module     yes     no      0      NONE   modules
n       net        yes     no      0      NONE   net data types
p       port       yes     no      0      NONE   ports
q       sequence   yes     no      0      NONE   sequences
r       register   yes     no      0      NONE   variable data types
t       task       yes     no      0      NONE   tasks
w       member     yes     no      0      NONE   struct and union members