vhelin / wla-dx

WLA DX - Yet Another GB-Z80/Z80/Z80N/6502/65C02/65CE02/65816/68000/6800/6801/6809/8008/8080/HUC6280/SPC-700/SuperFX Multi Platform Cross Assembler Package
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Allow SLOT IDs > 255, (or label name/string) #287

Closed Kroc closed 4 years ago

Kroc commented 4 years ago

SLOT IDs are rather arbitrary, especially on a system where there will usually be overlapping SLOTs; that is, you may wish to assign RAM sections into SLOTs that overlap an underlying BANK/SLOT. Take for example this commodore 64 map:

        DEFAULTSLOT     2
        SLOTSIZE        $00FD
        ; $00/$01 are not available on
        ; the C64 as these are the CPU port
        SLOT 0          $0002   ; zero-page (variable space)
        SLOT 1          $0100   ; 6502-stack (variable space)
        SLOTSIZE        $FE00
        SLOT 2          $0200   ; main program RAM ("ROM")

        SLOTSIZE        $1000
        SLOT 3          $C000
        SLOT 4          $D000
        SLOTSIZE        $2000
        SLOT 5          $E000

Since the C64 is all RAM, you can begin your code at $0200 (although in practice, you would begin at $0801) and continue going all the way up to $FFFF

However, if you want to assign some large areas of RAM for non-code (such as where game levels are loaded in), you don't want to assign that space inline with your code. $C000-$CFFF is an unused patch of RAM and is often used for variables or machine code. $D000-$DFFF is the I/O address space, and no code can be placed there, but the RAM underneath can be used. $E000-$FFFF is the KERNAL ROM space, but again the RAM underneath can be used.

In this instance, the SLOT numbers are not helpful or indicative when used on .SECTION/.RAMSECTION directives. Being able to assign more indicative numbers to SLOT IDs would go some way in increasing readability:

        DEFAULTSLOT     2
        SLOTSIZE        $00FD
        ; $00/$01 are not available on
        ; the C64 as these are the CPU port
        SLOT $00        $0002   ; zero-page (variable space)
        SLOT $100       $0100   ; 6502-stack (variable space)
        SLOTSIZE        $FE00
        SLOT $0200      $0200   ; main program RAM ("ROM")

        SLOTSIZE        $1000
        SLOT $C000      $C000
        SLOT $D000      $D000
        SLOTSIZE        $2000
        SLOT $E000      $E000

; i.e.
.RAMSECTION "level_data" SLOT $C000
        ; ...

For projects compiling for multiple systems, that may be assigning code & RAM sections into vastly different memory layouts; slot numbers work against us. What might be SLOT 3 on one system, might be SLOT 5 on another. Having some kind of either label (or string) name assignment for SLOTs would alleviate this concern:

        DEFAULTSLOT     2
        SLOTSIZE        $00FD
        ; $00/$01 are not available on
        ; the C64 as these are the CPU port
        SLOT "lovars"   $0002   ; zero-page (variable space)
        SLOT "stack"    $0100   ; 6502-stack (variable space)
        SLOTSIZE        $FE00
        SLOT "main"     $0200   ; main program RAM ("ROM")

        SLOTSIZE        $1000
        SLOT "hivars"   $C000
        SLOT "io"       $D000
        SLOTSIZE        $2000
        SLOT "hiram"    $E000
vhelin commented 4 years ago

A string label for a slot is a great idea! But I think I can also make it so that when you refer to a SLOT you can use its address. But when you have a SLOT starting at address $2 and you try to use SLOT 2, that should issue a warning and a note which one is used, a SLOT starting at $2 or a SLOT number 2...

Kroc commented 4 years ago


vhelin commented 4 years ago

I made it so that SLOTs can now be given names, but you still need to give a SLOT a number as well. Next I'll add support for SLOT selection by its address...

vhelin commented 4 years ago

I hope it works now, it was quite a big change in the code...

Kroc commented 4 years ago

This will be great for sharing sections between different systems!