vhelin / wla-dx

WLA DX - Yet Another GB-Z80/Z80/Z80N/6502/65C02/65CE02/65816/68000/6800/6801/6809/8008/8080/HUC6280/SPC-700/SuperFX Multi Platform Cross Assembler Package
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Add simple Github Pages hosted homepage #366

Open lhsazevedo opened 3 years ago

lhsazevedo commented 3 years ago

What do you think of having a homepage hosted on Github Pages?

Some cool examples:

vhelin commented 3 years ago

During the past 20 years I've done four homepages:

Three were done using Emacs and old HTML, one using some homepage creation tool back in 2011?

-> If someone else wants to do it, feel free to give it a shot. :)

vhelin commented 3 years ago

PS. I'll still keep on updating http://www.villehelin.com/wla.html but if someone has the skills to do something fancy, that'd be nice to see!

lhsazevedo commented 3 years ago

Candles of the Dead is really great!

vhelin commented 3 years ago

Thanks :D Currently working on Oculus Quest version. And Candles of the Dead 2 is something I'll work on later this year...

lhsazevedo commented 3 years ago

Wrong button

lhsazevedo commented 3 years ago

So, what does WLA DX mean? There are any visual references that you think would be a good fit or inspiration?

I think I can suggest something :)

PS: Would be awesome to know the history behind WLA DX!

vhelin commented 3 years ago

WLA DX comes from "Wzonka-Lad Assembler Deluxe"

If I remember right, after getting Wzonka-Lad to work properly, I wanted to code games for Gameboy. I tried some assemblers back then, in 1998, but found them lacking. So instead of using assemblers I didn't like to make games for Gameboy my focus shifted to making a better macro assembler... :)

Never made a game for Gameboy, just graphics demos... Perhaps one day when WLA DX is good enough! :D

I have no idea of a visual reference for WLA DX's homepage. If you can suggest something, that'd be nice.

jeffythedragonslayer commented 1 year ago

Well, the name reminds me of both the owner of a certain magical chocolate factory, and a certain early Apple developer, so how about a chocolate apple? 🍫 🍎 😂

vhelin commented 1 year ago

Great idea for a logo, love the WTF factory there for people who don't know what WLA DX stands for (plus the associations)... :)

jeffythedragonslayer commented 1 year ago

I kind of like this one for now (https://www.vecteezy.com/vector-art/13801094-cartoon-chocolate-apple-candy), maybe stack each word of the project name of top each other all to the right of the icon. What do you think?