vhelin / wla-dx

WLA DX - Yet Another GB-Z80/Z80/Z80N/6502/65C02/65CE02/65816/68000/6800/6801/6809/8008/8080/HUC6280/SPC-700/SuperFX Multi Platform Cross Assembler Package
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Executeables not actually working on XP with PIII #631

Closed Kroc closed 4 months ago

Kroc commented 4 months ago

I have a Pentium III sub-notebook I'd like to use to do some CP/M coding. My project v80 uses WLA-DX to bootstrap a Z80 assembler in Z80. Using the 10.6 release the binaries crash with an access violation.

Knowing that the Pentium III doesn't have SSE2 -- I already had to change the VS solution for RunCPM -- I changed the v10.6-tag 32-bit release build to use NO vector extensions, not even SSE1 and recompiled but even this doesn't work.


Do you have any means to test a real WindowsXP machine, maybe one without SSE2?
I'll try get you some more details once I'm back home with the Pentium III laptop.

vhelin commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately I don't have any such old computers with Windows XP. :( Even my parents' retired old computer is too new... I think the SDK we use to build WLA DX should allow the executables to run under Windows XP, but yeah, haven't tested that. I guess, like you say, now it's up to get the settings correct for old CPUs...

If you can do that, please let us have the modified Visual Studio solution!

Kroc commented 4 months ago

I'll tinker with it and see what I can do!

Kroc commented 4 months ago

Okay, I got it working, I didn't realise I was applying changes to only one project and not every project -- Visual Studio's solution management is pure awful.


vhelin commented 4 months ago

Oh yeah, please let us know what you did and make a pull request out of the solution file if you think it's something that would work for everybody. I don't think we need SSE2 etc. flags in master... :)

vhelin commented 4 months ago

Well, I did the same to x86/Win32 in the Visual Studio projects


I hope that's enough. I assume we can close this issue.

Kroc commented 4 months ago

I've been very busy and not at the place where my PIII laptop is but I will test once I get there. I would recommend changing compiler optimisation to favour size over speed for x86 so that the code doesn't blow out the cache on old CPUs making them run much slower. A crappy modern CPU might have 128KB of L1 cache but that's the entire L2 cache of a PIII and its L1 is only 8KB!

vhelin commented 4 months ago
