vi-k / bubble

Speech bubble for Flutter
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Triangle Nip #12

Closed anasmuhamad98 closed 4 years ago

anasmuhamad98 commented 4 years ago

can i have the nip as a even triangle? please


anasmuhamad98 commented 4 years ago

import 'dart:ui'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

enum BubbleNip { no, leftTop, leftBottom, rightTop, rightBottom, left }

/// Class BubbleEdges is an analog of EdgeInsets, but default values are null. class BubbleEdges { const BubbleEdges.fromLTRB(this.left,, this.right, this.bottom);

const BubbleEdges.all(double value) : left = value, top = value, right = value, bottom = value;

const BubbleEdges.only({ this.left, // = null, // = null this.right, // = null this.bottom, // = null });

const BubbleEdges.symmetric({ double vertical, // = null double horizontal, // = null }) : left = horizontal, top = vertical, right = horizontal, bottom = vertical;

final double left; final double top; final double right; final double bottom;

static get zero => BubbleEdges.all(0);

EdgeInsets get edgeInsets => EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(left ?? 0, top ?? 0, right ?? 0, bottom ?? 0);

@override String toString() => 'BubbleEdges($left, $top, $right, $bottom)'; }

class BubbleStyle { const BubbleStyle({ this.radius, this.nip, this.nipWidth, this.nipHeight, this.nipOffset, this.nipRadius, this.stick, this.color, this.elevation, this.shadowColor, this.padding, this.margin, this.alignment, });

final Radius radius; final BubbleNip nip; final double nipHeight; final double nipWidth; final double nipOffset; final double nipRadius; final bool stick; final Color color; final double elevation; final Color shadowColor; final BubbleEdges padding; final BubbleEdges margin; final Alignment alignment; }

class BubbleClipper extends CustomClipper { BubbleClipper({ this.radius, this.nip, this.nipWidth, this.nipHeight, this.nipOffset, this.nipRadius, this.stick, this.padding, }) : assert(nipWidth > 0.0), assert(nipHeight > 0.0), assert(nipRadius >= 0.0), assert(nipRadius <= nipWidth / 2.0 && nipRadius <= nipHeight / 2.0), assert(nipOffset >= 0.0), // assert(radius <= nipHeight + nipOffset), assert(padding != null), assert(padding.left != null), assert( != null), assert(padding.right != null), assert(padding.bottom != null), super() {

_startOffset = _endOffset = nipWidth;

var k = nipHeight / nipWidth;
var a = atan(k);

_nipCX = (nipRadius + sqrt(nipRadius * nipRadius * (1 + k * k))) / k;
var nipStickOffset = (_nipCX - nipRadius).floorToDouble();

_nipCX -= nipStickOffset;
_nipCY = nipRadius;
_nipPX = _nipCX - nipRadius * sin(a);
_nipPY = _nipCY + nipRadius * cos(a);
_startOffset -= nipStickOffset;
_endOffset -= nipStickOffset;

if (stick) _endOffset = 0.0;


final Radius radius; final BubbleNip nip; final double nipHeight; final double nipWidth; final double nipOffset; final double nipRadius; final bool stick; final BubbleEdges padding;

double _startOffset; // Offsets of the bubble double _endOffset; double _nipCX; // The center of the circle double _nipCY; double _nipPX; // The point of contact of the nip with the circle double _nipPY;

get edgeInsets { return nip == BubbleNip.leftTop || nip == BubbleNip.leftBottom || nip == BubbleNip.left ? EdgeInsets.only( left: _startOffset + padding.left, top:, right: _endOffset + padding.right, bottom: padding.bottom) : nip == BubbleNip.rightTop || nip == BubbleNip.rightBottom ? EdgeInsets.only( left: _endOffset + padding.left, top:, right: _startOffset + padding.right, bottom: padding.bottom) : EdgeInsets.only( left: _endOffset + padding.left, top:, right: _endOffset + padding.right, bottom: padding.bottom); }

@override Path getClip(Size size) { var radiusX = radius.x; var radiusY = radius.y; var maxRadiusX = size.width / 2; var maxRadiusY = size.height / 2;

if (radiusX > maxRadiusX) {
  radiusY *= maxRadiusX / radiusX;
  radiusX = maxRadiusX;
if (radiusY > maxRadiusY) {
  radiusX *= maxRadiusY / radiusY;
  radiusY = maxRadiusY;

var path = Path();

switch (nip) {

  case BubbleNip.left:
    path.addRRect(RRect.fromLTRBR(_startOffset, 0,
        size.width - _endOffset, size.height, radius));

    path.moveTo(_startOffset + radiusX, nipOffset);
    path.lineTo(_startOffset + radiusX, nipOffset + nipHeight);
    path.lineTo(_startOffset, nipOffset + nipHeight);
    path.lineTo(0, nipOffset + (nipHeight / 2) );
    path.lineTo(_startOffset, nipOffset);



  case BubbleNip.leftTop:
    path.addRRect(RRect.fromLTRBR(_startOffset, 0,
        size.width - _endOffset, size.height, radius));

    path.moveTo(_startOffset + radiusX, nipOffset);
    path.lineTo(_startOffset + radiusX, nipOffset + nipHeight);
    path.lineTo(_startOffset, nipOffset + nipHeight);
    if (nipRadius == 0) {
      path.lineTo(0, nipOffset);
    } else {
      path.lineTo(_nipPX, nipOffset + _nipPY);
      path.arcToPoint(Offset(_nipCX, nipOffset), radius: Radius.circular(nipRadius));

  case BubbleNip.leftBottom:
    path.addRRect(RRect.fromLTRBR(_startOffset, 0, size.width - _endOffset, size.height, radius));

    Path path2 = Path();
    path2.moveTo(_startOffset + radiusX, size.height - nipOffset);
    path2.lineTo(_startOffset + radiusX, size.height - nipOffset - nipHeight);
    path2.lineTo(_startOffset, size.height - nipOffset - nipHeight);
    if (nipRadius == 0) {
      path2.lineTo(0, size.height - nipOffset);
    } else {
      path2.lineTo(_nipPX, size.height - nipOffset - _nipPY);
      path2.arcToPoint(Offset(_nipCX, size.height - nipOffset),
          radius: Radius.circular(nipRadius), clockwise: false);

    path.addPath(path2, Offset(0, 0));
    path.addPath(path2, Offset(0, 0)); // Magic!

  case BubbleNip.rightTop:
    path.addRRect(RRect.fromLTRBR(_endOffset, 0, size.width - _startOffset, size.height, radius));

    Path path2 = Path();
    path2.moveTo(size.width - _startOffset - radiusX, nipOffset);
    path2.lineTo(size.width - _startOffset - radiusX, nipOffset + nipHeight);
    path2.lineTo(size.width - _startOffset, nipOffset + nipHeight);
    if (nipRadius == 0) {
      path2.lineTo(size.width, nipOffset);
    } else {
      path2.lineTo(size.width - _nipPX, nipOffset + _nipPY);
      path2.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width - _nipCX, nipOffset),
          radius: Radius.circular(nipRadius), clockwise: false);

    path.addPath(path2, Offset(0, 0));
    path.addPath(path2, Offset(0, 0)); // Magic!

  case BubbleNip.rightBottom:
    path.addRRect(RRect.fromLTRBR(_endOffset, 0, size.width - _startOffset, size.height, radius));

    path.moveTo(size.width - _startOffset - radiusX, size.height - nipOffset);
    path.lineTo(size.width - _startOffset - radiusX, size.height - nipOffset - nipHeight);
    path.lineTo(size.width - _startOffset, size.height - nipOffset - nipHeight);
    if (nipRadius == 0) {
      path.lineTo(size.width, size.height - nipOffset);
    } else {
      path.lineTo(size.width - _nipPX, size.height - nipOffset - _nipPY);
      path.arcToPoint(Offset(size.width - _nipCX, size.height - nipOffset),
          radius: Radius.circular(nipRadius));

    path.addRRect(RRect.fromLTRBR(_endOffset, 0, size.width - _endOffset, size.height, radius));

return path;


@override bool shouldReclip(BubbleClipper oldClipper) => false; }

class Bubble extends StatelessWidget { Bubble({ this.child, Radius radius, BubbleNip nip, double nipWidth, double nipHeight, double nipOffset, double nipRadius, bool stick, Color color, double elevation, Color shadowColor, BubbleEdges padding, BubbleEdges margin, Alignment alignment, BubbleStyle style, }) : color = color ?? style?.color ?? Colors.white, elevation = elevation ?? style?.elevation ?? 1.0, shadowColor = shadowColor ?? style?.shadowColor ??, margin = BubbleEdges.only( left: margin?.left ?? style?.margin?.left ?? 0.0, top: margin?.top ?? style?.margin?.top ?? 0.0, right: margin?.right ?? style?.margin?.right ?? 0.0, bottom: margin?.bottom ?? style?.margin?.bottom ?? 0.0, ), alignment = alignment ?? style?.alignment ?? null, bubbleClipper = BubbleClipper( radius: radius ?? style?.radius ?? Radius.circular(6.0), nip: nip ?? style?.nip ??, nipWidth: nipWidth ?? style?.nipWidth ?? 8.0, nipHeight: nipHeight ?? style?.nipHeight ?? 10.0, nipOffset: nipOffset ?? style?.nipOffset ?? 0.0, nipRadius: nipRadius ?? style?.nipRadius ?? 1.0, stick: stick ?? style?.stick ?? false, padding: BubbleEdges.only( left: padding?.left ?? style?.padding?.left ?? 8.0, top: padding?.top ?? style?.padding?.top ?? 6.0, right: padding?.right ?? style?.padding?.right ?? 8.0, bottom: padding?.bottom ?? style?.padding?.bottom ?? 6.0, ), );

final Widget child; final Color color; final double elevation; final Color shadowColor; final BubbleEdges margin; final Alignment alignment; final BubbleClipper bubbleClipper;

Widget build(context) { return Container( alignment: alignment, margin: margin?.edgeInsets, child: PhysicalShape( clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias, clipper: bubbleClipper, child: Container(padding: bubbleClipper.edgeInsets, child: child), color: color, elevation: elevation, shadowColor: shadowColor, )); } }

shinriyo commented 4 years ago

@anasmuhamad98 Did you resolve it? Why don't you do pull-request?

vi-k commented 4 years ago

Thanks, shinriyo.

shinriyo commented 4 years ago

@vi-k you're welcome. There are few plugins in the Flutter world. Almost all people rely on the plugin.