vi / websocat

Command-line client for WebSockets, like netcat (or curl) for ws:// with advanced socat-like functions
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SSL Dev example not working #122

Closed dakman closed 3 years ago

dakman commented 3 years ago


Amazon Linux 2

Tried both with pre-packaged pkcs and a newly generated one .. no cigar.. tried both examples including the "workaround" using socat and websocat.

Any ideas?

vi commented 3 years ago

What are you trying to use as a client? Another Websocat instance or browser?

Do you specify -k option or accept invalid certificate in browser?

dakman commented 3 years ago

tried websocat as client and browser ( Simple Web Socket client tester chrome extension ) same results... with websocat serving with SSL that I built from source...

tried -k no cigar either.. see ss below.. thanks for checking into this so fast! right now im using ws:// but its a PITA because I cant use clients trying to connect that are using https:// (mixed content violation)...


any chance we can make it simpler to specify .key and .pem file without this pkcs stuff like what websocketd does?? eg --sslcert=/path/to/cert.pem --sslkey=/path/to/key.pem


dakman commented 3 years ago

also want to note the error message changed... asn1 error?? so strange .. i get different errors if i use the test pkcs in the repo or my own openssl key/cert generated combo

vi commented 3 years ago

Tried -k no cigar either.. see ss below

You need -k on client side (right part of the screenshot), not on the server side.

https:// (mixed content violation)

So you also want to connect from a browser.

Prior to connecting to insecure-wss Websocket endpoint from browser, you can try opening a tab like The browser should first show "Insecure connection" screen. After you accept the exception, it would proceed to something like "Only WebSocket connections are welcome here" page from Websocat. But that action should also enable Websocket connections to wss:// until you restart the browser.

vi commented 3 years ago

Obviously, if you have a proper, trusted TLS certificate (i.e. from Let's Encrypt), you should be able to specify it to Websocat and just connect immediately.

If you are using a self-signed cerficiate, some hackery is required on client side by design.

dakman commented 3 years ago

Oh i do have a trusted TLS.. so are you saying if I generate a PKCS file for the cert and key from my LE issued cert it should work?

I'll try this now. Thanks!

dakman commented 3 years ago

that fixed it! for browser WSS connections at least ..

using the cli apparently its not fetching the issuer certificate ?? but when i use -k it lets me connect


Thanks for making such a great tool!