vi / websocat

Command-line client for WebSockets, like netcat (or curl) for ws:// with advanced socat-like functions
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Using foreachmsg and a Unix socket - syntax question #131

Closed bjesus closed 2 years ago

bjesus commented 2 years ago

Hello and thanks for websocat!

I'm currently using websocat -Et unix-l:/tmp/mysocket.socket reuse-raw:wss://my.web.socket/endpoint to communicate with my websocket server over a UNIX socket. Sending messages to the websockets server works great, but I want to also do something whenever a message is received. I'm trying to use foreachmsg but can't seem to figure out where exactly to place it. I want websocat to pass the incoming messages to my script. what's the right way of doing this? Is foreachmsg even the right approach?

I've tried things like websocat --foreachmsg-wait-read -Et unix-l:/tmp/mysocket.socket foreachmsg:cmd:./ but without luck, my syntax seems to be wrong. Is it because I also specified a Unix socket?

Thanks again!

vi commented 2 years ago

foreachmsg: means "re-establish connection for each incoming buffer of data" (where a buffer of data may correspond to a WebSocket message, one portion of data returned by a TCP socket or other byte-oriented stream, UDP datagram). It may be used to make Websocat start some script again and again for each incoming WebSocket message instead of using one long-running script to serve all messages in that WebSocket connection.


cmd: is a terminal specifier, it does not expect inner nodes. All of the ./ may be interpreted as a script.

websocat --foreachmsg-wait-read -Et unix-l:/tmp/mysocket.socket foreachmsg:cmd:./

I see three endpoints here:

  1. UNIX socket acceptor
  2. Shell script
  3. Client WebSocket connection.

Websocat (like Socat) typically interconnects two endpoints. Maybe you want to split outgoing and incoming WebSocket messages and process them separately? I.e. outgoing messages are taken from a UNIX socket and incoming messages are processed by the script? In this case just one WebSocat invocation is probably not enough - you need to chain multiple things. Websocat3 would have that feature natively, but currently you'll need to use something like this:

/opt/websocat -tE unix-l:/tmp/mysocket.socket reuse-raw:sh-c:'/opt/websocat -t - wss:// | xargs -n1 echo'

Messages are sources from UNIX socket, then go though a WebSocket and back, then go though a script (echo), replies from script go back to UNIX socket.

You can use websocat -u -t - foreachmsg:cmd: instead of xargs if needed, but it may work worse - e.g. I cannot get it to propagate replies properly. foreachmsg: is one of the trickier and glitchier overlays.

bjesus commented 2 years ago

Awesome, splitting outgoing and incoming messages works perfectly! Thank you very much for your help 🙏