vi / websocat

Command-line client for WebSockets, like netcat (or curl) for ws:// with advanced socat-like functions
MIT License
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I'm looking for advise on how to require client authentication certificate #73

Open deanhuff opened 4 years ago

deanhuff commented 4 years ago

I'm using websocat to grab local UDP multicast traffic and make it available to webpages via wss like so:

websocat -Et --pkcs12-der=/data/mykeystore.pkcs12 wss-l: reuse:udp-l: --udp-multicast= --udp-multicast-iface-v4= --udp-reuseaddr

Do you have an example that sets up the wss connection that would require a client auth cert via TLS?

thanks -Dean

vi commented 4 years ago

This is currently not supported by Websocat. SSL listener is mostly aimed to making quick self-signed wss:// nodes for development.

For now, TLS handling part may be separated to another application (e.g. Nginx), leaving Websocat to deal with pre-authenticated pre-decrypted traffic.

I'll consider this issue as a feature request to implement client certificate verification in future Websocat version.