Your web page is super readable at all web browser widths and on the whole looks clean and crisp. A few ad-libs on the page design might upset the client like changing the logo colors, turning the nav links into buttons, and adding a green background color; however, the HTML and CSS execution works uniformly throughout.
Some things to feel good about:
Remembering to define alt attributes for your elements
Using role=presentation to designate non-semantic / style-focused HTML tags
Using :hover selector for the links
Using media queries effectively to make the page responsive
Using CSS classes to apply the same styles to multiple elements
Using font-awesome for the social media icons in the footer
Some things to pay attention to:
Testing for when text breaks the design specification at different browser widths for being vertically centered.
Here are two links I hope you find useful for centering things in CSS.
Downloading fewer font-sizes for your page. It takes a long time to load the first time you load a page before it gets cached in a visitor's computer. The longer it takes a page to load, the fewer people will wait that length of time to see it, especially if they have slower internet speeds.
thanks voor the very useful tips @surrealdetective I was wondering when I open the page in IE or Edge the logo and some pictures break. Can you tell why that happens?
Grade: Meets Expectations
Your web page is super readable at all web browser widths and on the whole looks clean and crisp. A few ad-libs on the page design might upset the client like changing the logo colors, turning the nav links into buttons, and adding a green background color; however, the HTML and CSS execution works uniformly throughout.
Some things to feel good about:
Some things to pay attention to:
Here are two links I hope you find useful for centering things in CSS.
You might consider improving the page by:
To test web pages online, you can use and click through the guides to find more information about what affects page load times.