vi3k6i5 / flashtext

Extract Keywords from sentence or Replace keywords in sentences.
MIT License
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Incorrect Output in a specific scenario #73

Open ankurphutela opened 5 years ago

ankurphutela commented 5 years ago

Scenario -

Use Dictionary for multiple keywords and one keyword is present in more than one class/category, then, output is incorrect and shows only one class/category.

Below mentioned is example code for detailed explanation.

#Import library
from flashtext import KeywordProcessor

#Define Dictionary

#'Russia' is present in both classes/categories - Europe and Asia 

keyword_processor = KeywordProcessor()

#Content has 'Russia' keyword
content="Russia is a federal semi-presidential republic"

#Output - ['Asia'] 
#Output should consist of both classes/categories - Asia and Europe
Santhosh0505 commented 3 years ago

@biswajitpatra - If the commit which you have done in your forked instance working fine, could you please create a pull request to this main repo so that this could be the part of release package which we can use

@vi3k6i5 - Could you please confirm if this can be merged into this primary repo?