viadee / camunda-kafka-polling-client

Stream your process history to Kafka
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"time-zone" of camunda-engine as an optional property? #11

Closed vojkog closed 5 years ago

vojkog commented 5 years ago

I had a problem when camunda-kafka-polling-client and camunda process-engine are in different time-zones.

I guess it is not an issue of practical significance, but in a testing environment (e.g. my docker setup) polling does not work correctly.

One idea (that works for me) is that after existing lines like: final SimpleDateFormat apiDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(API_DATE_FORMAT);

... added: apiDateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(<TIME-ZONE-PROP>));

I would appreaciate hearing your thoughts.

fkoehne commented 5 years ago

Making the source timezone configurable seems reasonable to me. What do you think, @MTwelkemeier?

Sidenote: SDFs generally make me nervous to due their lack of thread-safety. I have not yet found any threading isues here, though.

vojkog commented 5 years ago

First cut impl:

vojkog commented 5 years ago

Regarding sidenote, im my imp. SDF and API_DATE_FORMAT are now referenced from single place only : getAPIDateFormat.

fkoehne commented 5 years ago

We're on a conference currently - so, sorry for the delay. We will take a look at it shortly.

MTwelkemeier commented 5 years ago

I agree, this is a usefull enhancement. Regarding access to the configuration property I would prefer using the existing properties class to not mix up property classes and direct injected configuration values.

This change focus on the REST interface. Maybe we should also think about the JDBC API to keep both in sync?

vojkog commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your comments.

Regarding PollingProperties class, I was trying to have a single property for runtime and repository data. Do you think that we should have something like this?


Yes, my focus now is on REST but certainly it would be better to keep both in sync. I will look into that.

MTwelkemeier commented 5 years ago

Interesting aspect. I think, since both are polled from the same source URL, we might not need different time zones.

vojkog commented 5 years ago

I agree that was my thinking too. Since PollingProperties are instantiated separately:

    private PollingProperties runtimeData = new PollingProperties();

    private PollingProperties repositoryData = new PollingProperties();

what do you think will be the best approach for the common property?

vojkog commented 5 years ago

Regarding JDBC, it seems there are no time-zone issues there. (HistoryService queries use raw Date(s) not Strings).

MTwelkemeier commented 5 years ago

Maybe we could place it directly within ApplicationProperties as parent structure for common settings.

vojkog commented 5 years ago

It seems that the better place is CamundaRestPollingProperties because JDBC is not affected and this class is already injected into CamundaRestPollingServiceImpl. Current impl. is here:

Please ignore the reformated imports (IDE).

vojkog commented 5 years ago

Here is the cleaned-up branch (comparison with master): I would appreciate hearing your opinion on this.

MTwelkemeier commented 5 years ago

Great - I will have a look into it

MTwelkemeier commented 5 years ago

This looks great - I created a pull request and integrated the change.

MTwelkemeier commented 5 years ago

I also started a docker hub build to provide a new image with tag "snapshot" of current develop branch. It should be available within the next hour.

MTwelkemeier commented 5 years ago

Current tests are still green - maybe we should also add or enhance the rest test to also cover the new timezone feature. Do you already have some idea for junit tests?

vojkog commented 5 years ago

Thx, for accepting PR. I'll take a look into junit tests.

vojkog commented 5 years ago

While looking at JUnit tests I have found that timeZone issue is probably relevant only to Camunda versions before 7.8. :

... without milliseconds and timezone information :

... with milliseconds and timezone information

Which versions do you plan to support, initially?

fkoehne commented 5 years ago

Ideally - all of them. With a focus on the recent ones, obviously.

MTwelkemeier commented 5 years ago

The format string used to parse the timestamps is currently hard coded. Maybe we should extract them into a configuration property with the current versions format as default?

vojkog commented 5 years ago

I agree unit tests have a separate constant for the same purpose, do you think tests should be refactored to use "extracted" format?

MTwelkemeier commented 5 years ago

If the tests are also using the configured format, we might run into issues due to embedded test engine might use a different format string.

vojkog commented 5 years ago

Regarding the unit tests, here is one idea:

Here is the ref. when date format changed to include time zone:

vojkog commented 5 years ago

Here is the proposal for configurable DateFormat pattern:

... also, as optimization, SimpleDateFormat(ers) are now final.

MTwelkemeier commented 5 years ago

Regarding the unit tests, I think this could really help to provide some useful test coverage. Regarding you proposal for configurable DataFormat, I just added two small comments. But I think we can go this way.

vojkog commented 5 years ago

One more "idea" regarding parameters in method. getAPIDateFormat(param). We use false only once in:
this.objectMapper.setDateFormat(getAPIDateFormat(false)); All other calls are with getAPIDateFormat(true) so we do not need that parametrization if we instantiate like:
this.objectMapper.setDateFormat(new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormatPattern)); ?

MTwelkemeier commented 5 years ago

I think so too. This also gives the getAPIDateFormat a more clear usage context, since it is only used to create one format version.

vojkog commented 5 years ago

Thanks for accepting my pull request.