vibansal / crisp

Code for multi-sample variant calling from sequence data of pooled or unpooled DNA samples
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VCF Failing Validations #2

Closed cfljam closed 4 years ago

cfljam commented 8 years ago

Im hitting some issues with validating VCFs from CRISP with GATK and VCFtools validators. This seems to be a simple whitespace issue.

[12:36][cfljam@aklbld31:PoolSeq (master)] $ vcf-validator ./CRISP/CHR26.CRISP.vcf.gz
The column QUAL is empty at CHR26:253.
Wrong number of fieldsin ./CRISP/CHR26.CRISP.vcf.gz; expected 13, got 14. The offending line was:
[CHR26  253     .       A       G               0       PASS    NP=4;DP=65,34;VT=SNV;CT=0.0;QVpf=-48.4;QVpr=-18.9;VP=4;MQ=0,0,0,101       GT:AF:ADf:ADr   0/0:0.467:10,8:6,6      0/0:0.375:8,6:7,3       0/0:0.345:13,8:6,2      0/0:0.500:5,7:3,1]

 at /software/bioinformatics/vcftools-0.1.14/share/perl5/ line 172, <__ANONIO__> line 19.
        Vcf::throw('Vcf4_0=HASH(0x2295d60)', 'Wrong number of fieldsin ./CRISP/CHR26.CRISP.vcf.gz; expected...') called at /software/bioinformatics/vcftools-0.1.14/share/perl5/ line 505

This appears to be simple matter of a double tab between ALT and QUAL fields.

zcat ./CRISP/CHR1.CRISP.vcf.gz | grep -v "^##" | cat -t | head -n 3
vibansal commented 8 years ago

I am unable to find the source of the 'double tab' in the code. Can you provide me the command that you are executing when you get this issue.