Individual Progress. Individual maintains an at-a-glance. AP preparation progress, Key commits, GitHub Analytics, etc. Student uses their blog to start each individual review. This should be used to support accomplishments.
Key Commits
Profile Dashboard - creation of a BMI calculator, and display of height, weight, and other health variables of a user.
Profile Display - addition of a page where preview of the user's chosen profile picture and the user's ID + username is displayed.
Contributions to Frontend Repository
GitHub Pages Blog + AP work
Student makes quality effort to record histories and solicit utterances/issue comments on AP and Project work.
Vibha Ganji
Blog Link to Review
Individual Progress. Individual maintains an at-a-glance. AP preparation progress, Key commits, GitHub Analytics, etc. Student uses their blog to start each individual review. This should be used to support accomplishments.
Key Commits
Contributions to Frontend Repository
GitHub Pages Blog + AP work
Student makes quality effort to record histories and solicit utterances/issue comments on AP and Project work.
Team Timelines/Planning (2nd Trimester)