vibrazy / letterpressexplosion

Letterpress Explosion Animation - iPhone
MIT License
183 stars 25 forks source link

Create CocoaPod #3

Closed ashfurrow closed 11 years ago

ashfurrow commented 11 years ago

I'm actually mostly done this – can you create a tag, say "1.0" in your repository?


ashfurrow commented 11 years ago

To create a tag, open your repo in the terminal and use the following commands:

git pull
git tag 1.0
git push origin master --tags

And that'll push up the tag. Once that's done, I'll issue a pull request with the CocoaPod file and add it to the main repo so it'll be super-easy for developers to use your code!

ashfurrow commented 11 years ago

Nevermind - I'll just refer to a commit hash.

vibrazy commented 11 years ago

Just added a tag. Thank you for very much cleaning up my repo :). I didn't have time as I was playing around with the animation. Cheers

ashfurrow commented 11 years ago

Awesome! No problem – it's great work!