vibudh2209 / STAT547M-hw-Agrawal-Vibudh

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hw03 ready for grading #3

Open vibudh2209 opened 6 years ago

vibudh2209 commented 6 years ago

Link to README

Link to UI.r

Link to server.r

Link to hosted app

Link to app

hannahdxz commented 6 years ago

Hi! @vibudh2209

Thank you for inviting me on your GitHub. Here's my peer review for Homework 08. Hopefully you find these comments helpful!

Your repository is very organized, you put down links to each homework, so it is very easy to navigate through your repository.

The README file in your hw08 is very informative, you listed the R scripts that you use to create the app with links to each of them. You explained in detail how you implement the new features by putting down the R script that we started with, and describe in detail how each new feature are added with proper R codes. I am impressed that when you put down the list of new features, you also provided links to the detailed explanation to each of them, so it is very easy to understand how you got those new features! Good job! I also like that you put down difficulties you encountered in the process, as well as the links to the resources you referred to.

I am impressed that you add much more features than this homework required. I did not do some of the features that you did, such as "Place the plot and the table in separate tabs." and "Allow the user to search for multiple alcohol types simultaneously" I think these features look very nice and certainly add more functionalities to your app. I will definitely try to incorporate those in my app in the future. It seems that your liquor app functions well on, all the new features you mentioned in the README is implemented and working properly!

You app is certainly well designed and functioning well. One small thing to mention is that I noticed you added a "Maximum price range" choice, however, I think this new feature is a little bit overlapped with the function of "Price Range", and I noticed that if I do not put down anything in the "Maximum price range" box, the "Price Range" does not work either, and there will be no results in the table and the plot. Maybe there is something you could adjust there?

Overall, this is a good assignment, I hope you keep enjoying this class :)

yanchaoluo commented 6 years ago

Hi @vibudh2209 I am really happy to review your homework and overall it is a nice work! Here are some comments, and I hope this may be useful.

All tasks are complete perfectly. Your README file is clear and comprehensive. You explain every feature very detailed, especially I like you add the link, which I can easily find what feature you are added. You finished more than 3 new features such as Add an option to sort the results table by price, place the plot and the table in separate tabs, allow the user to download the results table as a ..CSV file, etc. I love how you add the feature for subtype, it is simple and effective. I copy your code here and want to add this feature to my shiny apps in the future.

I have one tiny suggestion for your ggplot graph. because you decide to allow the user to search for multiple alcohol types simultaneously. so when I choose multiple alcohol types, it is hard to figure it out which part belongs to what types of alcohol. Therefore, I suggest you add the color to your plot, just like what I did for my shiny app.

shinyjs::colourInput("color", "Choose one color?")

Add above code in your ui.R.

   Filtered_bcl() %>% 
      ggplot() +
      aes(x = Alcohol_Content) +
      geom_histogram(fill=input$color, color="black")+

Add above code in your server.R

Overall, this is a wonderful assignment, thank you for inviting me to review your assignment.

derekcho commented 6 years ago

Hi @vibudh2209, here are some comments about your hw08: App split into ui.R and server.R: Yes Deployed on Yes Repo has code and README: Yes Number of features implemented: 9 Progress report: Yes

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