vic / art

The Art Programming Language
MIT License
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Please, make the project! #1

Open ZuraGuerra opened 8 years ago

ZuraGuerra commented 8 years ago

Hi, Victor Connor! First, let me tell you it's an honor to be writing for you. I'm a traveler from another timeline where this programming language was crucial to the development of technology as we know it in the future (even my time machine uses software written in C-ART {short for Contemporary ART}, an ART dialect). There's an enemy we need you to be aware of, it's called LA HUEVA; please look for any signs of it, as it's the only one that can stop you from writing ART.

Also, I always wanted to say this to you, please don't take it literal: Come with me if you wanna live. dramatic music

vic commented 8 years ago

ai am sorri as of yet a am uneibol to understand english ai guil estart working on it in the fiutur guen i get more english understanding

vic commented 8 years ago

la hueva wont defeat me