Fix the following compile-time warnings in Elixir 1.14.3:
==> params
Compiling 4 files (.ex)
warning: Ecto.Changeset.cast/3 defined in application :ecto is used by the current application but the current application does not depend on :ecto. To fix this, you must do one of:
1. If :ecto is part of Erlang/Elixir, you must include it under :extra_applications inside "def application" in your mix.exs
2. If :ecto is a dependency, make sure it is listed under "def deps" in your mix.exs
3. In case you don't want to add a requirement to :ecto, you may optionally skip this warning by adding [xref: [exclude: [Ecto.Changeset]]] to your "def project" in mix.exs
lib/params.ex:144: Params.changeset/2
warning: Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc/3 defined in application :ecto is used by the current application but the current application does not depend on :ecto. To fix this, you must do one of:
1. If :ecto is part of Erlang/Elixir, you must include it under :extra_applications inside "def application" in your mix.exs
2. If :ecto is a dependency, make sure it is listed under "def deps" in your mix.exs
3. In case you don't want to add a requirement to :ecto, you may optionally skip this warning by adding [xref: [exclude: [Ecto.Changeset]]] to your "def project" in mix.exs
lib/params.ex:185: Params.cast_relations/3
warning: Ecto.Changeset.cast_embed/3 defined in application :ecto is used by the current application but the current application does not depend on :ecto. To fix this, you must do one of:
1. If :ecto is part of Erlang/Elixir, you must include it under :extra_applications inside "def application" in your mix.exs
2. If :ecto is a dependency, make sure it is listed under "def deps" in your mix.exs
3. In case you don't want to add a requirement to :ecto, you may optionally skip this warning by adding [xref: [exclude: [Ecto.Changeset]]] to your "def project" in mix.exs
lib/params.ex:186: Params.cast_relations/3
warning: Ecto.Changeset.change/1 defined in application :ecto is used by the current application but the current application does not depend on :ecto. To fix this, you must do one of:
1. If :ecto is part of Erlang/Elixir, you must include it under :extra_applications inside "def application" in your mix.exs
2. If :ecto is a dependency, make sure it is listed under "def deps" in your mix.exs
3. In case you don't want to add a requirement to :ecto, you may optionally skip this warning by adding [xref: [exclude: [Ecto.Changeset]]] to your "def project" in mix.exs
Invalid call found at 2 locations:
lib/params.ex:161: Params.change/1
Warning: lib/params.ex:165: Params.change/1
warning: Ecto.Changeset.validate_required/2 defined in application :ecto is used by the current application but the current application does not depend on :ecto. To fix this, you must do one of:
1. If :ecto is part of Erlang/Elixir, you must include it under :extra_applications inside "def application" in your mix.exs
2. If :ecto is a dependency, make sure it is listed under "def deps" in your mix.exs
3. In case you don't want to add a requirement to :ecto, you may optionally skip this warning by adding [xref: [exclude: [Ecto.Changeset]]] to your "def project" in mix.exs
lib/params.ex:145: Params.changeset/2
warning: incompatible types:
map() !~ atom()
in expression:
# lib/params.ex:130
where "module" was given the type atom() in:
# lib/params.ex:128
where "module" was given the type map() (due to calling var.field) in:
# lib/params.ex:130
HINT: "var.field" (without parentheses) implies "var" is a map() while "" (with parentheses) implies "var" is an atom()
Conflict found at
lib/params.ex:130: Params.optional/1
Fix the following compile-time warnings in Elixir 1.14.3: