vic / params

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Compile error when using defparams macro in module that uses Phoenix.Component #45

Open mpinkston opened 9 months ago

mpinkston commented 9 months ago

Phoenix.Component overrides the def and defp macros to annotate function heads with some pattern matching. I believe because defparams creates a new method by calling Module.eval_quoted/2 this is somehow evaluating the ast returned by Phoenix.Component's def macro prematurely(? - tbh, I don't grok this perfectly yet)

But the error can be seen with code like the following:

defmodule MyMod do
  use Phoenix.Component
  use Params

  defparams fleeno %{some: :string}

  def hi do
error: cannot invoke remote function Phoenix.Component.Declarative.__pattern__!/2 inside a match
  nofile:1: MyMod.util_2/1

Is there a reason I'm not understanding that the defparams macro is using Module.eval_quoted/2 rather than just defining the method directly?

In other words, can't

  Module.eval_quoted(__MODULE__, quote do
     def unquote(name)(params) do

Just be written as

  def unquote(name)(params) do

In my own experiments it seems to work fine, but I'm not sure if I'm missing something.

(Of course, I could just call the macro before I use Phoenix.Component, but perhaps there's a more comprehensive fix)