vicelab / cen-sierra-pywr

Code base for modeling the central Sierra Nevada hydropower systems
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needs carefull attention in vector attributes #124

Open mlmaskey opened 3 years ago

mlmaskey commented 3 years ago

The issues in the file

index = index1.unique() in line 107 To match the length of vals index is spliced from 9 to -2 as in line 109 df_final = pd.DataFrame(index=index[9:-2], data=vals, columns=month_columns) It seems that we need to store in water year format so, it is redined as in new line 25 'month_columns=['10', '11', '12', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06' , '07', '08', '09']'

It needs careful revision and discusion thanks

mlmaskey commented 3 years ago

@rheinheimer, @nickrsan, @asmtry, and @jviers, why the length of index and vals do not match? Even with unique() operator, the length is not matched. I am not sure how to fix it. I realized that the logic seems to be weird even I succeeded to preporcess.