vicfryzel / xmonad-config

My xmonad and xmobar configuration, plus necessary scripts to make things more usable.
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Crashing as of latest changes #24

Closed teamdandelion closed 6 years ago

teamdandelion commented 6 years ago

Hi! First, thanks for sharing your xmonad config; I've found it to be a really nice starting point for using xmonad. Since upgrading to the latest version (changes as of Feb 18), the config no longer works for me; when I reload with the new config, I get a view of my desktop background with a black box around it, and am unable to see applications. If I log out and attempt to log back in, my screen flashes and I am returned to the login screen.

Downgrading back to the first commit before today fixes it.

vicfryzel commented 6 years ago


Did you relink ~/.xsession to ~/.xmonad/xmonad-session-rc? I changed the name of this file a while ago, but in my merge today I could have caused some breakage for folks who were linking against the old xsession file.


vicfryzel commented 6 years ago

Also I had a bug in the xmonad-session-rc file where starting stalonetray was done synchronously. I've since fixed that as of HEAD.

teamdandelion commented 6 years ago

Yep, I have .xsession linked properly. I'm going to run a git bisect and try to see which commit broke it.

vicfryzel commented 6 years ago

The other major change I made today was to remove gnome-session from xmonad-session-rc. Can you check if reverting the last line in that file to gnome-session fixes it for you?

teamdandelion commented 6 years ago

Ok, I reverted the gnome-session line. Now, reloading doesn't crash me, but it does show a compiler error: xmonad.hs:363 not in scope: dockStartupHook

teamdandelion commented 6 years ago

I started seeing the compiler error during the git bisect so I might be in a strange state now.

vicfryzel commented 6 years ago

Alt+q should recompile if you can make it into xmonad. If not, remove the xmonad.* files in ~/.xmonad (obviously not xmonad.hs). Also you can try cat ~/.xmonad/xmonad.errors to see what errors are coming up.

vicfryzel commented 6 years ago

Oh, sorry just saw your other reply. Which version of xmonad are you running? I fixed a bug introduced in xmonad 0.12 today that caused xmobar to not be properly docked.

teamdandelion commented 6 years ago

I'm using xmonad 0.12. Checking out master (which was broken for me before) now won't compile (Alt+q just shows me the docksStartupHook compiler warnings). So I can no longer repro the original bug, in favor of this compilation issue. There must be some state outside of the xmonad-config git repository that changed, but I don't know what it might be.

teamdandelion commented 6 years ago

Oh, just realized you said to remove the other xmonad files. I've done that, and reloaded. I'm now in the broken state on my main workspace, ie. I see a black box and my terminal is gone. Interestingly, this chrome tab is working fine in workspcae 2.

teamdandelion commented 6 years ago
teamdandelion commented 6 years ago

On (broken) window 1, there is a red box surrounding the screen. Moving the mouse near the edge of the box changes the box color from red to grey.

teamdandelion commented 6 years ago

alt+p still brings me a program launch menu. gnome-calculator launches, but trying to launch google-chrome or firefox has no discernable effect. I think maybe calculator works because it floats.

vicfryzel commented 6 years ago

Oh, I see. I just committed/pushed a fix. You're on 0.12, but I updated the min requirements to 0.13. xmonad introduced a bug in 0.12, and a new hook called docksStartupHook in 0.13. I was referencing docksStartupHook, which broke you on 0.12. Can you pull again and retry?

teamdandelion commented 6 years ago

Will do!

teamdandelion commented 6 years ago

Ok, taking your new commit and reverting the gnome-session change puts me back in a usable state. But if I just take your new commit without starting gnome-session, it's still broken.

teamdandelion commented 6 years ago

Also, the xmobar works for me now, for the first time :)

vicfryzel commented 6 years ago

Okay got it. Can you tell me: what settings/session are you choosing from your login manager? Do you have xmonad w/ gnome support installed?

What distro are you on? If you're on debian I should be able to repro locally.

And yeah, xmobar wasn't displaying as a dock for a long time (thus the 0.12 and 0.13 nonsense).

teamdandelion commented 6 years ago

I'm on Ubuntu 16.04. I don't actually know the answers to your first questions (I just got seriously started with linux recently), but if you tell me how to check I'll report back.

If 'login manager' means the screen where I type in my password, I start xmonad by clicking the small circle next to the password box, and choosing "XMonad" in the dropdown.

vicfryzel commented 6 years ago

Oh. Okay I think I've figured it out.

sudo apt-get install consolekit

Sorry this is my mistake. I rely on consolekit (see ck-launch-session in xmonad-session-rc) and yet I somehow didn't put it in the requirements.

Can you let me know if it works from a clean HEAD after you install consolekit?

teamdandelion commented 6 years ago

:+1: Seems to be working after I installed consolekit

vicfryzel commented 6 years ago

Woo! Let me know if you have any other issues! Thanks for using the config! I'll update the readme with the correct requirements.

teamdandelion commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the super quick help!