viciousviper / DokanCloudFS

A virtual filesystem for various publicly accessible Cloud storage services on the Microsoft Windows platform.
MIT License
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Local Files Option #7

Closed shlatchz closed 8 years ago

shlatchz commented 8 years ago

How do I enable the local files option (and not one of the cloud storage providers...)? Can it be used?

viciousviper commented 8 years ago

Should be entirely usable by including the following line in App.config:

<drive schema="file" root="T:" encryptionKey="MyFileSecret&amp;I" />

inside the <drives> tag.

I haven't actually checked the File plugin in DokanCloudFS yet, but since it is regularly tested as part of the CloudFS suite I would definitely expect it to work.

Functionality will be comparable to the Mirror project in Dokan.Net except the File plugin offers additional AES encryption.

viciousviper commented 8 years ago

On second thought there is probably a location parameter missing in the App.config schema. Cloud storage volums won't need it because their location is determined by the account, whereas the File plugin needs a source path. I'll add this in the next couple of days after I get the unit test suite for CloudOperations straightened out.

viciousviper commented 8 years ago

Hi @shlatchz, the local files option you requested is now operational. Please update both CloudFS and DokanCloudFS to version 1.0.2-alpha and edit the configuration for the file gateway in DokanCloudFS.Mounter's App.config as required. A brief documentation of the new parameters config attribute has been added to Feel free to ask if there is anything else not working as it should.

viciousviper commented 8 years ago

Hello @shlatchz,

after some time spent fixing other parts in the code I just finished updating the local FILE gateway in CloudFS/DokanCloudFS to a tentative fully operational state. At this time it is available for local compilation and will be part of the upcoming version 1.0.5-alpha. I'll keep this issue open for a short while longer, so maybe you'd be willing to give the FILE gateway a spin and report your findings here.

TIA vv

viciousviper commented 8 years ago

Closed as obsolete