vickumar1981 / pyeffects

Handle side-effects in Python like a boss. Implements functional types for Either, Option, Try, and Future.
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Add linters for the project #24

Closed sloboegen closed 9 months ago

sloboegen commented 12 months ago

What do you think about adding several popular linters/formatters for this project, i.e. isort, black, flake8 (or ruff)?

Also, do you want to migrate to poetry from pipenv/tox/...?

vickumar1981 commented 11 months ago

@sloboegen :+1:

i'd like to use black b/c i think it encompasses what flake + pylint were doing before.

for dependency management, i'd really like to use pdm:

But, I'm also okay with using poetry if you think that's an easier approach.

Thanks for opening up this issue.

vickumar1981 commented 9 months ago

Updated to using black as part of: