vicmora / MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic

A raspberry pi MagicMirror module that displays a map, centered at provided coordinates, with Google Maps Traffic information.
MIT License
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black screen by copying the code in config.js #37

Closed ghost closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

Hello, I copied the file described in the link in my config.js but since I have a black screen on MM, I can't find the error ... if I remove the part: var config = { modules: [ it's the same problem

here is my config.js:

{ module: "newsfeed", position: "bottom_bar", config: { feeds: [ { title: "Le Monde, A la une", url: "" }, { title: "Le Monde, Cinéma", url: "" }, { title: "Le Monde, Economie", url: "" }, { title: "Le Monde, Sport", url: "" }, { title: "Le Monde, Culture", url: "" }, ], showSourceTitle: true, showPublishDate: true, broadcastNewsFeeds: true, broadcastNewsUpdates: true, } }, var config = { modules: [ { module: 'MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic', position: 'top_left', config: { key: 'AIzaSyBQnp-WYA1IdK9sZr0lfvrtUcQ5Qu02sNw', lat: 49.182863, lng: -0.370679, height: '300px', width: '300px' styledMapType: "transparent", disableDefaultUI: true, backgroundColor: 'hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0)', markers: [ { lat: 49.182863, lng: -0.370679, fillColor: '#9966ff' }, ], }, } ] },

ghost commented 4 years ago

solution found

MagicMoeed commented 3 years ago

What was the solution you found. also i would advise you to remove your API from the thread above. Many thanks