vicmora / MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic

A raspberry pi MagicMirror module that displays a map, centered at provided coordinates, with Google Maps Traffic information.
MIT License
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2nd Marker is always black #45

Open mblack1986 opened 2 years ago

mblack1986 commented 2 years ago

As per the title. I have set a second marker but no matter the hex colour number it always remains black. I have even swapped the lat/long of marker '1' with marker '2' but it is still the marker over location '1' that stays my chosen colour and the marker over location '2' stays black.

Is there anything wrong with my code or is this just a bug? I have searched high and low for info but can't seem to find anything.

{ module: 'MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic', position: 'bottom_left', config: { key: '***', lat: ABCD, lng: 1234, height: '250px', width: '355px', mapTypeId: 'roadmap', styledMapType: 'transparent', zoom: 12.45, disableDefaultUI: true, backgroundColor: 'hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0)', markers: [
{ lat: ABC, lng: DEF, fillcolor: '#14a250' }, { lat: 123, lng: 456, fillColor: '#ffffff' }, ], }, },