In order to have export / import available for BC2 Android version I have to:
split SharedStorageDirectory to base folder detection in SharedStorageBaseDirectory so as BC2 folder creation happens after permissions are granted
due to changes in Android API 33+ Document folder is used with BC2 folder so as it does not require permission setup
Android prier API 33 should use /storage/emulated/0/BrickController2 - I guess this should be backward compatible I used to be when this feature worked properly.
Android with API 33+: /storage/emulated/0/Documents/BrickController2
Seems the originally reported issue/fix is still not approved.
In order to have export / import available for BC2 Android version I have to:
to base folder detection inSharedStorageBaseDirectory
so as BC2 folder creation happens after permissions are grantedDocument
folder is used with BC2 folder so as it does not require permission setupAndroid prier API 33 should use
- I guess this should be backward compatible I used to be when this feature worked properly. Android with API 33+:/storage/emulated/0/Documents/BrickController2
Dev tested on Android 9 and 14.