vicsharp-shibusa / kyna

Open source stock data collection and analysis.
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`kyna-data-import` fails with the "API Limit Reached" exception - but there are still credits remaining. #20

Closed vicsharp-shibusa closed 9 months ago

vicsharp-shibusa commented 10 months ago

This is some sort of defect in the accounting of credits used.

Splits for OFIX.US
Dividends for MXI.US
EOD Prices for FFBC.US
Kyna.Infrastructure.DataImport.ApiLimitReachedException: Available credits (-52) is less than expected cost of 1 (InvokeEodCallsForExchangeAsync)
   at Kyna.Infrastructure.DataImport.EodHdImporter.CheckApiLimit(Nullable`1 expectedCost, String caller) in C:\repos\kyna\dotnet\libs\Kyna.Infrastructure\DataImport\EodHdImporter.cs:line 989
   at Kyna.Infrastructure.DataImport.EodHdImporter.<>c__DisplayClass30_0.<<InvokeEodCallsForExchangeAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext() in C:\repos\kyna\dotnet\libs\Kyna.Infrastructure\DataImport\EodHdImporter.cs:line 418
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---

kyna-data-import completed in 19.39 minutes

Vic@Archie MINGW64 /c/bin/kyna-imports
$ ./kyna-data-import.exe --info
Source        :
Daily Limit   : 100,000
Used          : 92,286
Available     : 7,714
Requests Date : 2024-02-06

Some things to consider:

vicsharp-shibusa commented 10 months ago

I got rid of the volatile properties and the usage of Interlocked and used lock (_locker) instead. On today's test, I got:

Fundamentals for LASR.US
Fundamentals for LATG.US
Insider Transactions for MCAC.US
Fundamentals for LAUR.US
Kyna.Infrastructure.DataImport.ApiLimitReachedException: Available credits (-18) is less than expected cost of 10 (InvokeFundamentalsCallAsync)
   at Kyna.Infrastructure.DataImport.EodHdImporter.CheckApiLimit(Nullable`1 expectedCost, String caller) in C:\repos\kyna\dotnet\libs\Kyna.Infrastructure\DataImport\EodHdImporter.cs:line 998

Vic@Archie MINGW64 /c/bin/kyna-imports
$ ./kyna-importer.exe --info
Source        :
Daily Limit   : 100,000
Used          : 97,528
Available     : 2,472
Requests Date : 2024-02-07

I think my next step will be pause the program and call the User endpoint again - and reset my counts - before throwing the ApiLimitException.

vicsharp-shibusa commented 9 months ago

I believe I have this resolved as of commit 9c6b9f3.

I refactored the CheckApiLimit function to InvokeUserCallAsync before throwing the exception. I also changed the signature on InvokeUserCallAsync and did a bit of refactoring to prevent a doubling of the lock.

    private void CheckApiLimit(CancellationToken cancellationToken, int? expectedCost = null, [CallerMemberName] string caller = "")
        lock (_locker)
            // double check
            if ((expectedCost == null && _available < 1) || (expectedCost != null && _available < expectedCost))
                InvokeUserCallAsync(cancellationToken, true).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            if (expectedCost == null && _available < 1)
                throw new ApiLimitReachedException(caller);

            if (expectedCost != null && _available < expectedCost)
                throw new ApiLimitReachedException($"Available credits ({_available}) is less than expected cost of {expectedCost} ({caller})");