victor-chew / filament-joiner

Temperature-controlled platform for joining 3D filaments
Apache License 2.0
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Autotune Compile Error #1

Open DavidPHuber opened 3 years ago

DavidPHuber commented 3 years ago

I confess to knowing NOTHING about coding. I have built the excellent looking filament jointer project. I am about to start the software side now that I think I have the hardware built correctly. Upon compiling autotune.ino I get an error "stray '\302' in program" at line 50

I did some research that suggests that I may have gotten a stray space or improper character into the sketch, but I'm unsure how I could have done that.

This is a most interesting project, and I hope I'm getting pretty close to having it functional. Can you please provide any assistance, or a pointer in the right direction?

I'm sorry if this is happening just because of ineptitude or some skipped step.

Thanks for any assistance you can offer.


victor-chew commented 3 years ago

I am not sure what is the error about...

I am using Arduino 1.8.12 on Windows 10.

Thinking maybe there was some issue with the upload, I downloaded the ZIP archive from GitHub into a separate folder.

Then I open "autotune.ino" using Arduino, select "Arduino Nano", and click "Verify/Compile". The compilation completed with no error.

Maybe you can follow the steps above and try again?

Or copy/paste entire error log. Maybe there is additional info in there that might tell us what's wrong.

DavidPHuber commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much for responding. Yes. that worked. I successfully complied and uploaded, but am getting only gibberish from the serial monitor. I uploaded heater with display just to see if it functioned at all. Nothing. I suspect I have some wiring incorrect, and am going to review/verify.

THANKS! I'm so looking forward to getting this one working. what a great idea and great looking implementation. Thank you for your efforts.


victor-chew commented 3 years ago

Gibberish from the serial monitor typically means your baud rate on the monitor is different from the baud rate in Serial.begin(). The 2 needs to match.

As with all engineering projects, if the total doesn't work, divide-and-conquer. Break it down into simpler parts and verify that each part works independently. That will greatly increase the chances of working when you put them together.

Good luck!