victor-gp / cmd-help-sublime-syntax

Sublime Syntax definition for sharkdp/bat to colorize command --help messages.
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`+option` in `fzf --help` #8

Closed Freed-Wu closed 2 years ago

Freed-Wu commented 2 years ago
❯ fzf --version
0.33.0 (e03ac31)
❯ fzf --help
usage: fzf [options]

    -x, --extended        Extended-search mode
                          (enabled by default; +x or --no-extended to disable)
    -e, --exact           Enable Exact-match
    -i                    Case-insensitive match (default: smart-case match)
    +i                    Case-sensitive match
    --scheme=SCHEME       Scoring scheme [default|path|history]
    --literal             Do not normalize latin script letters before matching
    -n, --nth=N[,..]      Comma-separated list of field index expressions
                          for limiting search scope. Each can be a non-zero
                          integer or a range expression ([BEGIN]..[END]).
    --with-nth=N[,..]     Transform the presentation of each line using
                          field index expressions
    -d, --delimiter=STR   Field delimiter regex (default: AWK-style)
    +s, --no-sort         Do not sort the result
    --tac                 Reverse the order of the input
    --disabled            Do not perform search
    --tiebreak=CRI[,..]   Comma-separated list of sort criteria to apply
                          when the scores are tied [length|chunk|begin|end|index]
                          (default: length)

    -m, --multi[=MAX]     Enable multi-select with tab/shift-tab
    --no-mouse            Disable mouse
    --bind=KEYBINDS       Custom key bindings. Refer to the man page.
    --cycle               Enable cyclic scroll
    --keep-right          Keep the right end of the line visible on overflow
    --scroll-off=LINES    Number of screen lines to keep above or below when
                          scrolling to the top or to the bottom (default: 0)
    --no-hscroll          Disable horizontal scroll
    --hscroll-off=COLS    Number of screen columns to keep to the right of the
                          highlighted substring (default: 10)
    --filepath-word       Make word-wise movements respect path separators
    --jump-labels=CHARS   Label characters for jump and jump-accept

    --height=HEIGHT[%]    Display fzf window below the cursor with the given
                          height instead of using fullscreen
    --min-height=HEIGHT   Minimum height when --height is given in percent
                          (default: 10)
    --layout=LAYOUT       Choose layout: [default|reverse|reverse-list]
    --border[=STYLE]      Draw border around the finder
                           top|bottom|left|right|none] (default: rounded)
    --margin=MARGIN       Screen margin (TRBL | TB,RL | T,RL,B | T,R,B,L)
    --padding=PADDING     Padding inside border (TRBL | TB,RL | T,RL,B | T,R,B,L)
    --info=STYLE          Finder info style [default|inline|hidden]
    --prompt=STR          Input prompt (default: '> ')
    --pointer=STR         Pointer to the current line (default: '>')
    --marker=STR          Multi-select marker (default: '>')
    --header=STR          String to print as header
    --header-lines=N      The first N lines of the input are treated as header
    --header-first        Print header before the prompt line
    --ellipsis=STR        Ellipsis to show when line is truncated (default: '..')

    --ansi                Enable processing of ANSI color codes
    --tabstop=SPACES      Number of spaces for a tab character (default: 8)
    --color=COLSPEC       Base scheme (dark|light|16|bw) and/or custom colors
    --no-bold             Do not use bold text

    --history=FILE        History file
    --history-size=N      Maximum number of history entries (default: 1000)

    --preview=COMMAND     Command to preview highlighted line ({})
    --preview-window=OPT  Preview window layout (default: right:50%)

    -q, --query=STR       Start the finder with the given query
    -1, --select-1        Automatically select the only match
    -0, --exit-0          Exit immediately when there's no match
    -f, --filter=STR      Filter mode. Do not start interactive finder.
    --print-query         Print query as the first line
    --expect=KEYS         Comma-separated list of keys to complete fzf
    --read0               Read input delimited by ASCII NUL characters
    --print0              Print output delimited by ASCII NUL characters
    --sync                Synchronous search for multi-staged filtering
    --version             Display version information and exit

  Environment variables
    FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND   Default command to use when input is tty
    FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS      Default options
                          (e.g. '--layout=reverse --inline-info')

Screenshot from 2022-10-07 17-17-14

victor-gp commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure on how to deal with this one, because it may interfere with how we deal with these:

Screenshot from 2022-10-08 14-14-44

Screenshot from 2022-10-08 14-15-29

(from Vim & Emacs)

Hmm, on second thought I do know how to deal with all 3.

  1. Let's re-scope + signs as option (so green) because they're always listed in the options section.
  2. Let's scope the rest depending on:
    • what follows is all lowercase (like here) => scoped as an option (the whole thing is green)
      • perhaps it's enough for only the first character to be lowercase
    • what follows is all uppercase (like in Emacs) => scoped as an option argument
    • what follows is like <arg> => scoped as an option argument
    • etc. (we'll treat further cases when they come)

I'm going to add tests & todo markers for this, but I'm not going to get down to it anytime soon because I have a couple other big tasks pending.

But I promise I'll come back to it, it seems a neat improvement and low-hanging at the same time.

(It's up for grabs though!)

Freed-Wu commented 2 years ago


Should --height highlight ~, %, HEIGHT?