victor-valencia / bootstrap-iconpicker

A simple icon picker
MIT License
377 stars 140 forks source link

Use multiple iconsets #26

Open mike-koch opened 9 years ago

mike-koch commented 9 years ago

Right now, it appears that the user is restricted to only using one iconset at a time. Is there any way to use multiple iconsets at the same time? (For example, passing in an array in .iconset(['font-awesome','octicons']))

Nico-VanHaaster commented 9 years ago

I have created a fork at that I have been starting to implement this and added a pull request. Would love some testers as I havent been able to fully test the changes.

mike-koch commented 9 years ago

@Nico-VanHaaster , sorry for the delay, but I finally got a change to try out your fork. Everything appears to be working well, except there is a typo on line 352:


should be


Once that change is made, your change works beautifully :grinning:

Nico-VanHaaster commented 9 years ago

@mkoch227 Thanks for the information. I have fixed that typo.. not sure how I didnt catch that

Let me know if you have any more questions or issues. I dont want to do a full pull request as I changed a few files that should not be pulled in.

Cheers, Nico

CoreyJ87 commented 8 years ago

Was this ever fully implemented? Would really like to use this.

rootedsoftware commented 8 years ago


vitordm commented 7 years ago

I Have to ask too.. "Was this ever fully implemented? Would really like to use this."

Nico-VanHaaster commented 7 years ago

This was never taken into the main repository from but has been implemented in my Fork. However the source has not been minified.



CaMer0n commented 6 years ago

@victor-valencia hi! I noticed that this feature is tagged for v1.9.0. Did it happen to make it into the release? If so, how does it work.. like this?


Thank you!

eddskt commented 6 years ago

How was it solved? I still can not implement via JS more than one set of icons. was solved? thanks in advance for the great plugin +1

horrorchix89 commented 5 years ago

So can I use multiple iconsets or am I stuck with just one?