victorb / resort

A experiment with showing live video feeds with IPFS and libp2p
81 stars 24 forks source link

what should i do? #1

Open gexinworks opened 6 years ago

gexinworks commented 6 years ago


victorb commented 6 years ago

Try clearing your cache, you might have some old version of the ipfs repository in your browser.

gexinworks commented 6 years ago

I have tried clearing my cach,even I install ipfs again. However,it can not work as before.

gexinworks commented 6 years ago

I am a beginner for ipfs. I installed ipfs as official website document,next I exec npm install and npm run dev.Finally,I added files(index,build/index.js,e.g) to ipfs.When I opened browser ,it displayed as above.

gexinworks commented 6 years ago

╭─works@ub ~/code/resort/build ‹master› ╰─$ node -v v8.11.1 ╭─works@ub ~/code/resort/build ‹master› ╰─$ npm -v 5.6.0

operation system : ubuntu 16.04

gexinworks commented 6 years ago

I don't why it can not work , and I try to change the version of libp2p-webrtc-star,it can not work,too.I alse download your ipfs‘s inedx.js ,It works well .So bad. Can you tell me you node and npm version ? I am interested in this project very much.