victorbarres / TCG_SALVIA

Template Construction Grammar: A Computational CxG for the Schema Architecture Language Vision InterAction cognitive model (SALVIA)
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TCG refine #28

Open victorbarres opened 8 years ago

victorbarres commented 8 years ago

Deal with semantically empty constructions!

victorbarres commented 8 years ago

Det_A_CXN creates a problem when I used the SPECIFY relation as it matches on both the specified and the specifier. It wouldn't be the case if it could match only on the node that carry the "unknown" tag (ie not yet mentioned in discourse).

victorbarres commented 8 years ago

Could I use a feedback from the phonWM to set up a SemRep Node indicating that an entity has already been mentioned? The activity of this node would decay: High value -> "Pronoun", medium value "The X", low value "A X".

Could be a nice addition...