victordiaz / PHONK

PHONK is a coding playground for new and old Android devices
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No Permission to send SMS, smsSend() #47

Closed Nic7C5 closed 4 years ago

Nic7C5 commented 4 years ago

I appreiciate your work. It's very handy for beginners.

When trying the SMS function I faced an error.

Blackberry Key 2 (BBF100-6) Android 8.1.0 (Kernel 4.4.78...) Security Patch May 2020 Phonk Version 1.2.5 normal / extended (from github, tried both versions)

calling the function smsSend(012345,'test')

throws the error Wrapped java.lang.SecurityExeption: Sending SMS message: uid 10238 does not have andoird.permissionSEND_SMS.

I granted all permissions Phonk asked for. The android settings menu says that the app has permission to send SMS. Screenshot_20200708-105759

victordiaz commented 4 years ago

Hello @Nic7C5

Google Play does not allow anymore apps that access the SMS, so for that reason I created a separated extended APK that you have to download from here

Can you try to install that version and let me know if it works? (you have to uninstall the previous version)

Nic7C5 commented 4 years ago

I just updated my first post. At first I used version 1.2.5 from the Playstore. Now I installed the 1.2.5 extended apk from here. The error is still the same.

victordiaz commented 4 years ago

Ok I see, I'll have a look later with more detail and see what's going on :) Thanks for reporting

victordiaz commented 4 years ago

Hello @Nic7C5

Could you check to install phonk-1.2.6-alpha-4-extended-release.apk from and tell me if it works for you?


victordiaz commented 4 years ago

@Nic7C5 One thing I saw in your first comment the method device.smsSend(012345 , 'test') should be instead device. smsSend('012345', 'test') The number is a string since you can write Phone numbers with the + prefix

Nic7C5 commented 4 years ago

It's working with the alpha 4 (and number as string). Thanks!

victordiaz commented 4 years ago

I will keep the issue open until the next release. Thanks for testing it :)

victordiaz commented 4 years ago

The new version is online with the changes. Feel free to close the issue if everything works fine for you :)

adasq commented 3 years ago

When can we expect this version to be published into Google Play Store?

victordiaz commented 3 years ago

Hi @adasq Google Play is nowadays very strict with some features like sending SMS, so if you are not a big company or your SMS sending is justified somehow they don't allow it. For that reason there is an Extended version here that you can download and install in your phone or tablet that has SMS functionality.

I hope it works for you! Let me know if it does not.

adasq commented 3 years ago

Hey @victordiaz,

Thanks for the response. I tried the released APK, but unfortunately, it crashes after downloading examples.

victordiaz commented 3 years ago

@adasq try to uninstall all the PHONK versions in your phone and then reinstall the extended version. Let me know if that works!

adasq commented 3 years ago

Well, it works! Really appreciate your work. Thank you.