victorjonsson / jQuery-Form-Validator

[DISCONTINUED] jQuery plugin that makes it easy to validate user input while keeping your HTML markup clean from javascript code.
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Validation is not working Immediately form submitted #711

Open dkedar opened 6 years ago

dkedar commented 6 years ago

Hello I have a HTML File having a Contact form and a Php form Processing script. am I using the Validator plugin in my HTML for Client Side Validation.

But the Issue is after press the submit button form won't Validate the HTML Fields and Immediately submitted. What is Problem?

ericjohannsen commented 5 years ago

I'm just trying to get started with this library and encounter the same problem. I see validation errors when various input fields lose focus but the form happily submits anyhow. No errors in the browser's JavaScript console. Using <script src=""></script> and a simple form with three input controls and a submit button.

victorjonsson commented 5 years ago

What version of jQuery are you using? This plugin only guaranteed to work with version <= 2.2.4 of jQuery