victorjonsson / jQuery-Form-Validator

[DISCONTINUED] jQuery plugin that makes it easy to validate user input while keeping your HTML markup clean from javascript code.
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How to ignore commas from number validation #715

Closed lynspod closed 5 years ago

lynspod commented 5 years ago

I'm using data-validation-ignore="," on an text input field with data-validation="required number" I would like it to ignore commas in the field, but data-validation-ignore="," doesn't seem to work, should this work or is there s different syntax as I can see commas are used to separate characters here?

Seems to allow one comma but more than one comma, it doesn't validate.

victorjonsson commented 5 years ago

Am I right that you want the user to be able to supply a comma separated list with numbers? The number validator does not understad that the input field will contain several numbers to be validated. In this case you need to do a custom validation.

<input data-validation="required custom" 
           data-validation-regexp="^([0-9, ]+)$">

Here's an example:,output

lynspod commented 5 years ago

Many thanks, that's just what I wanted.