victorkaminskiy / aico

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Investigate Point Cloud gethering Systems #5

Open victorkaminskiy opened 10 years ago

victorkaminskiy commented 10 years ago

Examine Kinect possibilities. Compare solutions provided by Microsoft and Asus. Consider alternative approaches such as Stereo Camera

DmitryZakharov commented 10 years ago

The main pitfall of the approach is that the Kinect and I believe Asus too are very vulnerable to direct day Light. There is a very strong interference with the natural IR. Here is the example of outdoor capabilities: As far as I remember the competition takes place outdoor. this is the first observation, further investigation is in progress.

victorkaminskiy commented 10 years ago

Let's take a look at this: Maybe it's better solution than Kinect

victorkaminskiy commented 10 years ago - interesting library

DmitryZakharov commented 10 years ago

that's exactly the lib with which we could create the corridor model.

DmitryZakharov commented 10 years ago

Already working on the direction of using a stereo camera.

DmitryZakharov commented 10 years ago

Here is an example of what can be done by two simple webcams. the result is rather bad. However, it has been done with little light. I think it may perform better if there is more light. What I don't want to do is building a solution and trying to make it work. We will waste our time on it and won't have time to work on the core problem. We need to look for a decently working solution.

DmitryZakharov commented 10 years ago Samples of Stereo Vision. Probably with a "good" set of wide-angle cams we may have an acceptable result at the end. Further investigation required.

victorkaminskiy commented 10 years ago

Will also spend some time on this, as a part of my task with downward camera. I think it will be really cool if will be able to use only cameras for navigation.

victorkaminskiy commented 10 years ago

I think this can be useful:

DmitryZakharov commented 10 years ago

yeah, I saw it yesterday, the result didn't impress me at all....