Steps: Editted a staff details to be the exact same as another exisitng staff (name, address, phone number...)
This edit of the staff is accepted, but it should not be allowed as now I have 2 exact same staff. This will cause functionality bugs as when associating a transaction to any of those 2 staffs, the correct staff cannot be differentiated.
Perhaps, the staff could be deleted upon detection of duplicate staff or not be accepted to be edited.
Steps: Editted a staff details to be the exact same as another exisitng staff (name, address, phone number...)
This edit of the staff is accepted, but it should not be allowed as now I have 2 exact same staff. This will cause functionality bugs as when associating a transaction to any of those 2 staffs, the correct staff cannot be differentiated.
Perhaps, the staff could be deleted upon detection of duplicate staff or not be accepted to be edited.