victorliu / S4

Stanford Stratified Structure Solver - Electromagnetic simulator for layered periodic structures
GNU General Public License v2.0
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A problem of "GetAmplitudes" #89

Open KappaGO opened 4 years ago

KappaGO commented 4 years ago

Hi! I want to use "GetAmplitudes" for calculating reflection phase, but it can not work. The error is "GetAmplitudes: S4_Layer named 'Above1' not found." I am confused about this issue and look forward to your help. The code is attached below.

filename1='GetAmplitudes.csv'; file1=io.output(filename1)

--Parameter------------------------------------- um=1; nm=um1e-3; p=568nm; tg1=0.8p; lambda=1550nm;

S=S4.NewSimulation() S:SetLattice({p,0},{0,0}) S:SetNumG(100) S:AddMaterial("Vacuum",{1,0}) S:AddMaterial("Si",{3.483.48,0}) S:AddLayer('Above1',0,'Vacuum') S:AddLayer('Slab1',tg1,'Vacuum') S:SetLayerPatternRectangle('Slab1', "Si", {0,0}, 0, {0.29p,0}) S:AddLayer('Below1',0,'Vacuum') S:SetExcitationPlanewave({80,0},{0,0},{1,0}) S:SetFrequency(1/lambda)


forw,back = S:GetAmplitudes('Above1',0) file1:write(forw[1][1],",",forw[1][2],",",back[1][1],",",back[1][2],",") file1:write("\n") file1:close()

jhpark94 commented 4 years ago

I also have this issue. I guess 'GetAmplitudes' method is obsolete or broken?

jiaqi-hu commented 3 years ago
--- a/S4/main_lua.c
+++ b/S4/main_lua.c
@@ -2186,7 +2186,7 @@ static int S4L_Simulation_GetAmplitudes(lua_State *L){

        layer_name = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, NULL);
        layer = S4_Simulation_GetLayerByName(S, layer_name);
-       if(NULL == layer){
+       if(layer < 0){
                S4L_error(L, "GetAmplitudes: S4_Layer named '%s' not found.", layer_name);
                return 0;
@@ -2204,7 +2204,7 @@ static int S4L_Simulation_GetAmplitudes(lua_State *L){

        amp = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*8*n);
-               layer,
+               &S->layer[layer],
                luaL_checknumber(L, 3),
                amp, &amp[4*n]);

It seems to be working after making this change.

almakga commented 2 years ago
--- a/S4/main_lua.c
+++ b/S4/main_lua.c
@@ -2186,7 +2186,7 @@ static int S4L_Simulation_GetAmplitudes(lua_State *L){

        layer_name = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, NULL);
        layer = S4_Simulation_GetLayerByName(S, layer_name);
-       if(NULL == layer){
+       if(layer < 0){
                S4L_error(L, "GetAmplitudes: S4_Layer named '%s' not found.", layer_name);
                return 0;
@@ -2204,7 +2204,7 @@ static int S4L_Simulation_GetAmplitudes(lua_State *L){

        amp = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*8*n);
-               layer,
+               &S->layer[layer],
                luaL_checknumber(L, 3),
                amp, &amp[4*n]);

It seems to be working after making this change.

I did this change, but only GetAmplitudes only works por s-pol. Is the same for you?