victorliu / S4

Stanford Stratified Structure Solver - Electromagnetic simulator for layered periodic structures
GNU General Public License v2.0
131 stars 149 forks source link

./Configure problem and "automake: error: '' is required" #91

Closed MousasGen closed 4 years ago

MousasGen commented 4 years ago

Hey, I'm trying to configure S4 in Ubuntu 20.04 on a windows 8 Virtual Box and facing an issue when I try to follow S4 install instructions.

When I try "./configure" command, I get "bash ./configure no such file or directory". I also tried to run automake, but I get "automake: error: '' is required".

Note: I downloaded the "liblua5.2-dev" package before trying to configure. Could anyone help me? I got stuck and do know what to do. I'm new to the lua and Ubuntu. Thanks in advance

MousasGen commented 4 years ago

Installation steps:

My OS is Ubuntu 20.04 mounted on a virtual box for Windows 8. For the lua fronted one, 1) git clone 2) sudo apt-get install lua5.2 3) sudo apt-get install liblua5.2-dev 4) sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev 5) sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev 6) git clone 7) cd OpenBLAS 8) make 9) cd ../S4 10) make Notes:

Tutorial steps:

Make sure your current directory is S4/ Check by “pwd” command, if not just “cd S4/”

cd build

./S4 Hint: make sure this message shows up 'No input file given, running in interactive mode', if so you installed the package correctly, if not please return to the past 10 steps and check again for any error (mostly missing package -> go, download and install)

S = S4.NewSimulation()

S:SetLattice({1,0}, {0,1})


S:AddMaterial('Vacuum', {1,0})

S:AddMaterial('Silicon', {12, 0.01})

S:AddLayer('top', 0, 'Vacuum')

S:AddLayer('slab', 0.5, 'Silicon')

S:AddLayerCopy('bottom', 0, 'top')

S:SetLayerPatternCircle('slab', 'Vacuum', {0,0}, 0.2)

S:SetExcitationPlanewave( {0, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, 0})

for freq = 0.25, 0.6, 0.001 do S:SetFrequency(freq) forward, backward = S:GetPoyntingFlux(‘top’, 0) forward = S:GetPoyntingFlux(‘bottom’, 0) print(freq, forward, backward) end

Now you should see it running and printing outputs in 3 columns (freq, trans, ref) You can copy the 3 columns and paste them at libreOffice-calc “excel in Ubuntu :D”

Make sure after writting each command of these, there is no output except for step no. 14) at which you will see the 3 columns, otherwise it is an error, go and search with the error you see and you will probably find a sol.