victorporof / Tilt

Tilt: a WebGL-based 3D visualization of a Webpage
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Bug: part of the content is not painted #15

Closed Drugoy closed 12 years ago

Drugoy commented 12 years ago

I tried to inspect this page. When I scrolled down: since some part of the page - the text is not shown, so I can only see the structure of the page, but not it's contents. It looks like this

Drugoy commented 12 years ago

The bug is 100% reproducible for me and the whitening starts from the same place.

victorporof commented 12 years ago

There is a limitation on the maximum texture size allowed by the WebGL context depending on the hardware and drivers (usually 8192px), therefore Tilt is forced to clamp. There is a way to work around this, but it's quite complicated and not currently on the agenda.

victorporof commented 12 years ago

There is bug 710565 filed for this: with more information about the problem. Closing the issue here to avoid duplicates.