victorporof / Tilt

Tilt: a WebGL-based 3D visualization of a Webpage
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Website screenshot not exporting on obj export #21

Open hellocatfood opened 9 years ago

hellocatfood commented 9 years ago

I'm using Tilt on Firefox 37.0.2 on Ubuntu 15.04. When I export an obj file it is not saving the screenshot as a texture.

raffaelj commented 9 years ago

I have the same problem on Firefox 39.0 on Win7. Maybe it's an solution for you: Make a screenshot of the site, rename it to webpage.png and copy it in the same folder. If there are objects outside of the visible part of the site you may have to add a view pixels to the screenshot or delete/change a view nodes with the site inspecor. In my case there was a x-scrollbar of a fixed sidebar which made the mesh higher than the screenshot.