Open TalhaAbbas55 opened 5 months ago
hi @victorsoares96 , I appreciate your help I am working on a project for the client and the client is in a hurry, I am also facing a problem while adding or managing bookmarks because my App is available for both mobile and desktop but the bookmark function that this library has doesn't have bookmarks with responsive ideas (means to work on different screen sizes at same time), it only stores the current location of the page which will be different for another device with another size, can you help me in that regard as well
if I can just get a way to change the characters per location which are right now 1600 ( I checked that from node_modules) then that would be a help
@TalhaAbbas55 you need a way to change this parameter is that it?
@TalhaAbbas55 you need a way to change this parameter is that it?
yes, you got it right
but this is a separate issue, the issue which I mentioned in title is something else which is unknown to me
this "rendition is not defined" issue is very serious, did you get the solution for this @victorsoares96 ?
I believe the problem "rendition is not defined" is being caused by you calling injectJavascript('console.log("Hello World")');
outside of a function, it is probably trying to execute your javascript before initialization of the reader component, please try to remove this snippet or place it in the appropriate location
hi @victorsoares96 , no still after removing that error "rendition is not defined" after removing injectJavascript('console.log("Hello World")');
I am getting an issue of rendition is not defined in both Android and IOS, it shows at random times mostly on real devices and less time on Android and IOS emulator
the message appears differently in IOS and Android, sometimes when I open the book for the first time, it does not appear but when I open the book for a second time, no matter whether it is same book or different from my app, the message appears then there,
What platform(s) does this occur on?
Android, iOS
What workflow(s) does this occur on?
Bare Workflow
Environment (or package.json)
{ "name": "aabBooksMobile", "version": "0.0.1", "private": true, "scripts": { "android": "react-native run-android", "ios": "react-native run-ios", "lint": "eslint .", "start": "patch-package && react-native start", "test": "jest", "android-wifi": "adb kill-server && adb tcpip 5555 && adb connect && adb devices", "postinstall": "patch-package"
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Your .epub file
Minimal reproducible example
I produced this bug while working on this code
Also, I am not finding the method to inject the javascript in the component as we do in our web app this way
because if I find that way then I can control this by myself
I confirm that i have