[ ] Create Horizontal scroll view for component for snap carousel this might be a good lib. You might also keep it simple and just use a horizontal scroll view with snap behavior
horizontal // Change the direction to horizontal
pagingEnabled // Enable paging
decelerationRate={0} // Disable deceleration
snapToInterval={CARD_WIDTH+10} // Calculate the size for a card including marginLeft and marginRight
snapToAlignment='center' // Snap to the center
contentInset={{ // iOS ONLY
top: 0,
left: SPACING_FOR_CARD_INSET, // Left spacing for the very first card
bottom: 0,
right: SPACING_FOR_CARD_INSET // Right spacing for the very last card
[ ] Component must redirect to the view article screen and send an Id parameter
[ ] Component should have an image, id, description, and date prop.
[ ] Latest podcast header should take you to search view on press
Create a component for the latest podcasts.