victronenergy / QsLog

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ASSERT: "byid[size_t(id)]" == nullptr #2

Open XiaowjGH opened 2 years ago

XiaowjGH commented 2 years ago


After initialization,

Multithreaded write right now,

There's a high probability of this happening,

The solution:

  1. Call the: QLOG_****() macro before starting the thread

  2. Before starting a thread calls: QCalendar: : availableCalendars () function

jhofstee commented 2 years ago

Thanks, do note that this is just a clone, upstream is here, We could sync, but logging improved in Qt5 / Qt6 itself, so personally I would think this code is obsolete.

XiaowjGH commented 2 years ago

谢谢,请注意,这只是一个克隆,上游在这里,。我们可以同步,但是在Qt5 / Qt6本身中日志记录得到了改进,因此我个人认为此代码已经过时了。

That's very helpful. Thank you