victronenergy / dbus-shelly

HTTP based driver for Shelly energy meters to be used on VenusOS
MIT License
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Shelly PRO 3EM values not showing up in "Pages" View and VRM #4

Open stenub opened 1 year ago

stenub commented 1 year ago


i have a Shelly PRO 3EM and VenusOS 2.93 running on a Beaglebone Black. I have managed to install the GEN2 driver and configured the Shelly to send the values via websocket to the Beaglebone. The Shelly is showing up in the device list and everything seems fine. The Shelly device is selectable and proper values for every phase are shown: grafik grafik

The device role is grid meter. The problem is that the pages view is showing up as if there is no grid meter. Also in the VRM portal no values are shown.


I updated the VenusOS to the latest RC but the result is the same... @izak What am i doing wrong? Can somebody give me a little hint?

Many thanks! Kind Regards! Stefan

izak commented 1 year ago

Check Settings -> System Setup -> Ac Input 1. This is probably "Unknown". The overview won't know that you have a grid connection if that is not correctly set.

But you mention you're on a Beaglebone black. So there is no built-in MK3 interface (for the Multi), and unless you plug one in via USB, that setting won't exist (because it is created by mk2-dbus when it first starts up).

So I don't know exactly how you have it set up, but the overview screen may not work correctly if you don't have an mk3-usb plugged in and the above setting correctly configured.

stenub commented 1 year ago

Hello @izak! Many thanks for your response! I checked the AC Input1 Setting and it is set to Grid. The setting is available even without the MK3 interface connected.. grafik

After that, i connected my MK3 Interface, it gets recognized, but unfortunately that changes nothing at the pages view.. Still no values there... Any further hints?

ajnadox commented 1 year ago

Hi! @izak i think this is the same issue that we see in the venus os 3, AC is showing 0w and not displaying the Shellys value even if it's showing correct in the meny

EvilPutz commented 1 year ago

Hi, i also have the same problem. Values are showed but it is not apeearing in the Dashboard as PV Inverter

pipelka commented 1 year ago

Hi, i can confirm that a similar thing happens on a RasPi 4 with VenusOS 3.0 connected to a Multiplus 48/3000 (via MK3). For me only L1 is shown on the AC Input side. All phase values are shown in the Shelly Energy Meter menu.

Duester64 commented 1 year ago

Hi, same issue here. Values correct shown, not in the system overview.

amcsSH commented 1 year ago

Hi, to confirm this issue also, please check my comment at .

moonilightshaker commented 1 year ago

Hi, i have the same issue. Venus OS: v3.01

Duester64 commented 1 year ago

Hi folks, i found a solution here. I deleted the websocket entry in the settings and added a script shown below. Now it will show up correctly.


Patrick38110 commented 1 year ago

Hallo Leute, ich habe hier eine Lösung gefunden. Ich habe den Websocket-Eintrag in den Einstellungen gelöscht und ein unten gezeigtes Skript hinzugefügt. Jetzt wird es korrekt angezeigt.


Hallo @Duester64 kann ich direkt das Skript von Funkmaster nehmen? Welches Skript/datei muss ich ersetzten? Funktionieren bei dir auch die kW/h Werte im Portal also sind diese auch Saldierend? Besten dank!

Duester64 commented 1 year ago

Ja, die Werte am AC Eingang saldieren wie Du im Screenshot siehst, es werden alle Phasen verrechnet Installiert habe ich es mit dem Script aus der readme Datei, copy +paste. Gruß

Patrick38110 commented 1 year ago

@Duester64, bei den Aktualwerten in der Übersicht soll es auch funktionieren. Nur die Energiewerte in KW/h sollen eventuell nicht richtig angezeigt werden. Das heißt wenn ich direkt das Skript von Funkmaster86 installiere brauche ich keinen Websocket Eintrag löschen? Falls ja wo muss ich diesen löschen? Grüße

Duester64 commented 1 year ago

in der Weboberfläche vom pro3em unter connectivity/outbound websocket.

glipschitz commented 9 months ago

I am able to install this, but the GX does not seem to want to trigger the ESS using this data as the grid value :(


Is there any other settings which need to be set?

AC1-In is set to Grid.

The dashboard shows the correct data and is reporting to VRM.

Just cannot get the battery to discharge in ESS mode.

amadirnjul commented 7 months ago


i have a Shelly PRO 3EM and VenusOS 2.93 running on a Beaglebone Black. I have managed to install the GEN2 driver and configured the Shelly to send the values via websocket to the Beaglebone. The Shelly is showing up in the device list and everything seems fine. The Shelly device is selectable and proper values for every phase are shown: grafik grafik

The device role is grid meter. The problem is that the pages view is showing up as if there is no grid meter. Also in the VRM portal no values are shown.


I updated the VenusOS to the latest RC but the result is the same... @izak What am i doing wrong? Can somebody give me a little hint?

Many thanks! Kind Regards! Stefan

How did you install gen2 drivers?

Duester64 commented 7 months ago

Have you set up the config.ini with the right ip?

[DEFAULT] AccessType = OnPremise SignOfLifeLog = 1 CustomName = Shelly Pro 3EM DeviceInstance = 40

Role Could be pvinverter or grid

Role = grid

Available Postions: 0 = AC, 1 = AC-Out 1, AC-Out 2

Position = 0

Available values see


[ONPREMISE] Host= Username= Password=

jjdejong commented 7 months ago

Have you set up the config.ini with the right ip?

[DEFAULT] AccessType = OnPremise SignOfLifeLog = 1 CustomName = Shelly Pro 3EM DeviceInstance = 40

Role Could be pvinverter or grid

Role = grid

Available Postions: 0 = AC, 1 = AC-Out 1, AC-Out 2

Position = 0

Available values see


[ONPREMISE] Host= Username= Password=

That is for another, unofficial driver not supported by Victron. This thread is about Victron's official dbus-shelly driver that is included in recent Victron devices and that does not need to be installed separately.