victronenergy / dynamic-ess

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2 distribution fees tariff #123

Open jirkaholy opened 7 months ago

jirkaholy commented 7 months ago

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I use dynamic price for energy but I have 2 prices (tariffs) for distribution. 8 hours of low tariff and 16 hours of high tariff. Low is 0.01 EUR/kW ((p + 0.02 + 0.01) 1.21), high is 0.08 EUR/kW ((p + 0.02 + 0.08) 1.21) - tariff D25d Czech republic. Distributor sends me signal when it is low and high (HDO signal). It is also firmly scheduled in advance for long time. Low is for me 0:00 - 6:00 and 19:00 - 21:00. The differences in distribution fee is mostly higher than differences in dynamic price. So without possibility of setting 2 tariffs it is mostly unusable.

Suggested Solution

Set option for 2 buy-price- formulas, every in different time range. or Set price difference and time range for using it.


I could also change the table of dynamic price when it comes, but it is not systematic.

Additional Context

No response

Kositch commented 2 months ago

Same for me, hope it will be implemented in VRM soon, there is workaround only for Node-RED implementation using injection of different formulas in specific time, which is not ideal, because price is significantly changed right at the start of that period, so system can't plan in advance...

Busak007 commented 2 weeks ago

Same for me, hope it will be implemented in VRM soon, there is workaround only for Node-RED implementation using injection of different formulas in specific time, which is not ideal, because price is significantly changed right at the start of that period, so system can't plan in advance...

EN: Within nodered, a summary of data with time stamps can also be sent, i.e. if VRM could work with this, it is no problem to send future data about HDO activity (VT/NT) for 2 days ahead. There are libraries that can pull this data from servers based on your EAN, tariff (Dxxd) and distribution area.

For example, like this to HA for EGD:

I have HomeAssistant and can send this data via MQTT to NodeRed in VRM, but that's where my abilities end...

if anyone here has instructions on how exactly and where to at least send the current formula that could be changed via NodeRed, I would be very grateful CZ: V rámci nodered se dá odeslat i souhrn dat s časovými značkami, tedy pokud by VRM s tímto dokázala pracovat není problém odeslat budoucí data o aktivitě HDO (VT/NT) klidně na 2 dny dopředu. Jsou knihovny které umí tato data vytáhnout ze serverů na základě vašeho EAN, tarifu (Dxxd) a distribuční oblasti.

Například takto do HA pro EGD:

HomeAssistant mám a dokážu si tyto data odeslat přes MQTT do NodeRed ve VRM, ale tam mé schopnosti končí...

pokud by tu někdo měl návod jak přesně a kam se dá alespoň odeslat aktuální formula, která by se dala měnit přes NodeRed budu moc vděčný